A little girl on the way!

Dave: "Please let it be a boy, please let it be a boy…“
Doctor and midwife performing ultrasound"It’s a girl!”
Looks as though we’re having a little girl. She was very cooperative on the ultrasound and let us get some good looks at all her parts-- not just the girl ones! Everything looks to be in good working order and progressing as it should be. We are now 23 weeks along and she is becoming quite active. She is also showing a night owl pattern like her father. Lucky me. Dave will tell you that raising a girl scares him because he has to worry about all the teenage boys that are just like he was at that age. I’ll tell you that it scares him because he’s afraid of being unable to offer any resistance against those declarations of “But Daddyyyy…” It’s starting to feel a lot more real now. She still doesn’t have a name and will be lucky to by the time she’s born at the rate we’re going. Either that or she’ll have 5 names because we can’t decide which one we like the best.
We are now just under 8 months from graduation. Yeah!!! THe interview invitations are rolling in. We have a large calendar posted on the wall to keep track of when each interview is. Unfortunately, with maternity leave looming in the horizon, I can’t really afford the time off to go to these interview sites with him. Just as well, I can only judge a place by how well I liked the area, which isn’t the best method of picking where to bid for residency. He just got back from making residency site visits. I questioned the legitimacy of doing this, especially since none of our friends have done anything ofthe sort. But, now that he’s back, I know that it was a good thing to have done. He was able to do some wonderful networking as well as find out some information about programs that would likely have not been as readily available during a formal interview when everyone is one their best behavior. So, all in all, money well spent.
I imagine the next few months will go quickly as there are interviews already scheduled and very few 2 week periods without interviews. I think the hardest part (other than that childbirth thing around the 16th) is ranking the programs in February for the ROLIC. That next month until Match Day will be a blur as we’ll have a newborn to occupy our attention. Wow. So many huge things at once. It’s a little overwhleming at times, but very exciting at the same time. Sometimes I find myself reeling a little over it all. It seems far away and really close all at the same time.
And so goes the march toward doctordom (and parenthood)!

How exciting to hear that another She Kelley is on the way and doing well! I’m sure that you will find an appropriate moniker by the time of her birth. Just practice sticking your head out the back door and yelling “First Name Last Name Kelley, get inside right this minute!” If it has a nice ring to it, it’ll work. smile.gif We were pretty sure Caleb was going to be nameless as well, but obviously, he’s not.
And for the record, I don’t think that having a boy makes those “but Dadddy…” comments any easier. wink.gif Not that I’m a daddy, but I’ve seen the look on his face.
I hope the next few months go by as quickly or as slowly as you need them to!

We got to see her on ultrsound again Saturday night after getting rear-ended by a drunk teenager. Fortunately, all is well. It is amazing how much she’s grown in just the last 3 weeks! She looks like a baby now instead of just a little alien! She even yawned during the ultrasound. The resident performing the ultrasound commented “Yep, still a girl!” so it’s a pretty safe bet to pick out a girl name at this point smile.gif
23 weeks and counting…

Congrats, Dave and Wendy! Dave, let me tell you, you're going to love being a dad to a beautiful baby girl. I have a 6 month old (Emily) and we didn't find out until she came out. All along I wanted a boy and when she was born, I was a little disappointed. I felt guilty for that at the time, but I really just wanted a boy. Of course, I loved her right away, but I was truly a little disappointed.
Let me tell you, though, I have fallen head-over-heels in LOVE with my daughter. And I can't imagine having a boy instead of my precious Emily.
I know you don't need a pep-talk from me - you'll be an awesome dad, but just rest assured that you will be putty in your little girl's hands soon enough!
Congrats and SLEEP NOW!

Congratulations Wendy!!! laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif

Wendy & Dave,
Congratulations on your upcoming precious arrival!
biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
Seattle Jeff

Dave: "Please let it be a boy, please let it be a boy..."
Doctor and midwife performing ultrasound"It's a girl!"

I felt the same way except we didn't find out until she came out. It was sheer torture. I didn't wait with the last 2.
As they wheeled me in to the OR with my head full of meds and poltergeists coming from the ceiling (epidureal didn't take so they chased it with a spinal block - woo hoo! ), I was saying, 'Champagne for everyone when my boy comes out!' Then, when she came out I said, 'Oh, a stinking girl!'
I wouldn't trade that 'stinking girl' for anything in the world. She's my pride and joy and planning to become a doctor herself!
Congratulations on your baby! I pray that she will be healthy and you will all have many wonderful years to enjoy her. She will definitely have you feeling all of this (enjoy every minute of it):
biggrin.gif ohmy.gif laugh.gif mad.gif tongue.gif

Hey Wendy,
One of my senior residents and his wife just welcomed Rachel into their family. She is a precious little blond moppet with the cutest blue eyes that you will ever see. When I was on my first rotation with Mike (Vascular Surgery), I think that he seemed a little disappointed that our chief resident was expecting a boy. He seemed a little over-shadowed by most of the babies being born this year being boys. Well, I saw him the other day with Rachel and Leah in the cafeteria. Rachel is 4 weeks old now. He was just beaming. Everyone who came by just couldn’t help but comment on how sweet she is. (She is a little angel). I know that it’s getting closer and closer now. Just one more month between December and February. You are going to have so much fun with your little girl. Dave is going to just love coming home to his “girls” after a tough day in the trenches.
Natalie rolleyes.gif

How about an update on Dillon!! She must be a doll baby. Are you planning to post some photos on the web (or will Dave have a photo album at the convention?) laugh.gif