Here is one you probably don’t here very much. I not by any means consider myself to be a slow learned nor do I consider myself to be dumb but I don have sever e problems thinking and tyoing or thinking and writing. It seems my mind goes so fast that I am on to something alse before I type what I want. I also forgot how to spell simple every day words that I knew yesterday. I have no problem with big words or anything associated with prescriptions etc. I don’t make errors in hospital charts nor do I have problems writing orders. I focus hard.
Here is the thing I am able to diagnose people mentally and I have to wonder if this is a learning disorder or some ADHD thing??? ??? I miss my turn and forget were I am going sometimes.
I know if I take my time and put a real effort in I can do well. I know I will be able to accomplish whatever premed class as in graduate school I did things like advanced patho. Assessment and Dx ans so on.
I simply see this as another hurdle I just need to learn how to jump a little higher.
If you look at the above comments you will many typing errors a complete lack of punctuation and many times that I am bouncing around never really completing any one thought. I wonder if anyone else has this problem or has overcome this type of problem.?
Doc Hollywood -
I encourage you to get a thorough assessment for yourself. If you are enrolled in college courses, see if you can get a learning assessment via their disability services offices. If not, it seems that you may have the resources to find a place to do the assessment. Along with the learning style assessment, see if you can make an appointment with an appropriate physician for an ADD/ADHD assessment. One of my friends struggled all through high school. After her daughter was diagnosed with ADD, she realized that she also had ADD. When she decided to return to school for nursing, she got the appropriate medication and did very well in nursing school, much to the amazement of those who knew her in high school.
Welcome, and good luck!
Doc Hollywood-
I completely agree with the previous reply. I mentioned in another thread (“Second Bachelor’s”) that I too have ADHD. I was in my second year of college when I found out. Before I was diagnosed, I thought the stellar grades from HS were a joke, because when I got to college I really felt like I didn’t belong academically. It seemed as though everyone was smarter, got things done faster and as if they were just ‘better’ than me. The doctor helped me experiment wtih various types of medication, all with ridiculous side effects that I couldn’t deal with: nausea, weight loss, headaches, etc. I found it best for me to find other ways to cope with ADHD.
I organized my notes differently, and often sought out 1-on-1 help directly through my Professors or TA’s of my classes. Having ADD/ADHD can be frsutrating, because of the stigma often associated with it. Once you open up and let people know, Professors, Counselors, and tutors are usually more than happy to accomodate you with anything you need. Once I registered with the Office for Students with Disabilities, I was allowed extra time on exams, a seperate room for testing, a computer to take essay exams on (for all of the spelling/grammar and words omitted I was usually docked for and even note taking services. Other students, well mainly other “pre-med” students HATED the perks I received, but they will NEVER know what it is like to live with ADHD, so I say screw them for their insensitivity.
As far as others areas of my life which were affected by ADD, my husband has been more than willing to help me (as he had since we met in undergrad). I have clear time schedules, and tasks list - even with a reward system for myself once I accomplish those items.
I know you can make it, and feel free to email for anything more specific on ADD/ADHD:
When I graduated high school in 1981 ADHD was not on the radar screen (DSM IV inclusion in 1980). I was lucky my mom for whatever odd reason kept all of my lousy report cards from kindergarten (with all of the CLASSIC comments) so I fulfilled the “Utah Criteria” for a CLASSIC ADHD diagnosis see my “Kansas City Star Article”…
A common pharmacological treatment with a cheap generic drug was sufficient to transform a great effort into a very efficient great effort.
Once I was “dialed in”, I never bothered for any accomodation, I did not need it. I was the advocate, it was 6 months before I could move around the medical center before I was not recognized. I would not trade my experience for the world, it defines me, there is no way folks can get their arms around what I am about without ADHD.