and I passed. What a relief. I don’t think I’ve ever had to suffer through a more wretched class. Except, perhaps, OMM.
Congratulations on anatomy!! And hang in there with OMM. It’ll be over before you know it!
Congrats! Now use that Brachialis and lift a cold one!
Congrats, Boeing. I have to be honest, I wish I had done better in anatomy (barely passed) because in family medicine I’m doing a lot of ortho which requires me to try and dredge some of that anatomy out of the recesses of my brain. It’s definitely a weak spot for me.
But oh I sure feel your relief and delight at being done with that wretched course. Congratulations on surviving a rite of passage in your path to becoming a physician!
Boeing -
How long was your anatomy course? Ours was 12 weeks. I can’t decide if I’m grateful we got it out of the way that quickly, or if I wish it had been spread out a little bit longer.
I was definitely ready to move on to something different.
and I passed. What a relief. I don’t think I’ve ever had to suffer through a more wretched class. Except, perhaps, OMM.![]()
Congrats! It only gets better from here. I can understand & empathize w/ your dispo regarding OMM. At your stage in the game, I had a similarly deteriorating attitude towards it. However, once I hit the wards & found real-world uses for the stuff (once you’ve filtered out the religious undertones of some OMM professors), my attitude markedly improved and I even used it - thought the OMM-gods might strike me!
Nowadays, as an anesthesiology resident, I rarely use it, except on my wife, daughter & the occasional nurse/resident/RT - who greatly appreciate my capacity to relief the aches & pains of daily life. Were I to be in IM, FP or another more general discipline - without a doubt, I could find many very useful & helpful applications of my OMM skills.
So, as annoying as OMM class can be, please trust me that once you have acquired sufficient experience to be able to filter best txn in the context of pt needs…in the real world & not the book world…you will most likely find yourself actually implementing to your pt’s benefit those OMM tools that now fill you w/ vitriol.
I only wish that the professors who taught OMM were more adept at teaching this skillset in a more palettable manor directed at the level of usage of the majority of graduates. At KCOM, as I suspect is the case there in Des Moines, OMM is taught more from the depth & perspective of an OMM-only practitioner, which is what happens when you are up to your ears in gurus. In their defense, it is always easier to train at a more rigorous level than you actually will eventually function than it is to train at a level under where you will function & then have to play catch up.
As best as you can, try to approach your OMM w/ an open mind, but filter your OMM lessons w/ logic & reason. This will lead you to evolve a rational, applicable skillset and lessen the animosity you feel towards it. That, in & of itself, will make your journey through medical school much more enjoyable.
Oh & by the way - all of the above are pearls of wisdom straight from the heart from a former OMM-hater - me.
Again, my sincere congrats for surviving anatomy. It is truly a rite of passage and a monumental one at that!
Hi Amy,
Ours was a short course as well - it started in about the 3rd week of August and ran till mid December.
Like you, I’m relieved that it is over; however I’m concerned that the boards (and hopefully not actual clinical practice!) will reveal that a short course doesn’t let you master the material as well as you’d like.
I too feel it is a weak point in my training.