OK, so I’m going to outline a few things first.
- I am a military spouse. My husband retires in 5 years. We will be in our current location for 3-4 years. We are in Cape Cod, MA
- I have $32,000 in debt from my BA
- currently have a medically fragile 6 month old who can not be in daycare before 2yr old.
Here is my plan currently. Originally I was planning to become a PA when my husband retired but I realize that isn’t want I truly wanted.
2020 take classes at the local college that are needed to apply for MedSchool (Chem’s, physics, microbio etc)
2021 enter the AS Nursing program
2022 Nursing school
2023 graduate nursing school and work as a nurse
2024 work as a nurse (pay off old student loans!)
2025 Apply for medical school/ Husband retires
The upside with all this is wherever I am accepted to medical school we are free to move to. We are use to moving every few years and are not “rooted” anywhere. also upside I get to go into med-school debt free.
Down side: I will be 35/36 when I enter medical school. I plan to sub-specialize in neonatology. So done fellowship at 45ish.
Is nursing my only logical step in my position? It is not a “plan B” as I know I don’t want a career in nursing, I’m looking at is as a stepping stone to gain experience in the medial field, pay off debt (and save a bit) and gain confidence in science based classes while waiting for my husband to retire.
In the next 1.5yr before my son can be in daycare I can get all my post-bac done for medschool, but there are no med-schools in our area.