be aware life can change very quickly

Who else would know the tragedy of a sudden and difficult diagnosis better than DOCTORS??? Of course your school will be there for you. As to asking for help…the myth of the stoic individual who needs no-one, is simply that…a myth. My two friends who are professors of cultural anthropology constantly remind me that humans are social beings and organize themselves in units (families, clans, tribes, communities, etc) because they are unable to survive without others - when humans are born, they are some of the most helpless creatures out there!! We need each other to survive!! Consequently, the first thing assessed when I do a psychosocial is: “Who do you have in your life that can help you and that you can rely on?” If the patient says “no-one” - THAT is the primary point of intervention. Faith communities, self help groups, intensive case managers, buddy programs, etc. We ALL need the help of others. Ask, and it shall be given unto you…My heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with you!!!