cool website

If anyone is interested in “sizing” themselves up, against applicants who have been accepted to / rejected by, their perspective schools, this site might be helpful - or not. It’s a good rough gauge, though. I know I’m not going to Harvard! lol

Very interesting!

Yeah, no thanks. I don’t want to make myself feel defeated before I start. All I can do is my best. Seeing others better than me is not going to make me do any better than my best. I just keep pushing myself for better and nothing will change that.

I like the site. Thanks for posting. It’s fun to look at. Looking over the applicants you get an idea that you won’t get as many acceptances if you are just a pool manager and study group leader. lol. Hey, they still got an acceptance! This is a small sample, so, of course you can’t take it for face value. However, it is certainly fun to look at and gives me ideas.

Yes, Maddux I will start getting in contact with hospitals to start volunteering or getting a job at a hospital. My medical emergencies on the plane don’t seem to count for doctor/clinical hours.


Would I suggest that? LOL!!

Anyhow, I would recommend to all of us to start a online portfolio of accomplishments and your extra cirriculars…Its called something like medapp or something. It lets you electronically store and create your portfolio for you to view and others, if you choose to make it public. A very nice service. I don’t have the link handy, but if people are interested I will post it for you. It’s a great tool to track yourself, academics, volunteering, shadowing, charity work and volumes of other areas of interest to humanity.

Kimberly, thanks for the shout out!!

  • maddux31 Said:

Anyhow, I would recommend to all of us to start a online portfolio of accomplishments and your extra cirriculars...Its called something like medapp or something. It lets you electronically store and create your portfolio for you to view and others, if you choose to make it public.

That link sounds great - if you could post that site id be thrilled

Yes, Maddux do post that link please. I am sure I have it somewhere. I love the medapps site. It is a lot of fun to do the advanced site and see how many OPM’s have made it. Looking over the younger premeds, you can see that they have to apply to just as many schools as the OPM’s. I looked at 41+, there aren’t a lot and it appears their scores are a lot lower and there is some bad energy when they show up for interviews.