cost of private school

I got myself into a rather interesting situation. As most of you know, it was mid Jan by the time I completely made up mind to quit my job. Then I gave a 2 week notice since I did not want to burn bridges with anyone. 26th will be my last day at work.
I started looking for the pre-reqs at local schools in Minneapolis area and all schools closed the Spring registation except one. I was thankful for the one I did find, registered for Biol101& Lab, Chem111 & lab. Then I find out it will cost me $6,200! This is one expensive private college. While I don’t plan to take classes there after this semester, I am wondering if there is wisdom in spending that much money on lower division classes. The cost would have been 2000 bucks at the public school and probably even less at a community college.

I am reluctant to drop the classes because I spent all week this week getting permissions from the professors (the classes were full already) and I will have to wait for 4 months for Summer session to start with no guarantee that the Chemstry and Biology that I signed up for will actually be available in Summer. I am keen on finishing these up so I can move on with the other classes for which these are the pre-reqs. I also see this as my prep for MCAT and I would rather not do the fluff classes (Humanities reqs) till after MCAT.
What would you do if you were in my situation? I am a little leery of spending so much money before I even get to Med school!
Thanks very much!

Rianah, are there any grants or scholarships you can apply for through that private school to cover the cost or atleast part of the cost of those classes? I would look at that first, you can get a general idea of a school’s financial aid program just by looking at their financial aid web site…if it looks like you could get some good scholarships I would stay, otherwise, eh…well I sure wouldn’t pay that much for one semester. :confused:

Thanks for the replies.
The school id Univ of St. Thomas. It is very nice, just expensive. If I wait till Fall, it will be even longer before I take MCAT. Considering I am 37, I would like to get to the point of taking MCAT as soon as possible.
I watched the undergrad kids at St. Thomas. I couldn’t help but wonder why they are forking out so much money
I don’t believe non-degree students ( believe me, I don’t want another degree out of this, just trying to complete the pre-reqs) can get scholarships.

That sounds too expensive to me, but if it’s what you really want…
there are some scholarship web sites out there, off the top of my head.
Good luck!


I don’t believe non-degree students ( believe me, I don’t want another degree out of this, just trying to complete the pre-reqs) can get scholarships.

Why don’t you declare yourself as a degree student? It will give you all the priviliges, and…you can always change your mind down the road about getting the degree I know few people who used this strategy



I don’t believe non-degree students ( believe me, I don’t want another degree out of this, just trying to complete the pre-reqs) can get scholarships.

Why don’t you declare yourself as a degree student? It will give you all the priviliges, and…you can always change your mind down the road about getting the degree I know few people who used this strategy

I will try it in Summer because I will be taking full load anyway, thanks