cruising into the buzzsaw of my academic inadequacies


I need to teach all of you guys the value of fulfilling the “blue collar dreams” of academics…

All you need is a Freightliner Tractor pulling a 53 foot “reefer”…

Course, I DID have to pass… but barely… and I am hereby the “KING TEAMSTER”…


I finally figured it out (and not a moment too soon-- I was in danger of being held back next year.) Got an 84 on the GI physiology final, with the class average being 79. To give some perspective, my customary placement is 141st out of 145, 142d out of 145, etc etc. Am in a bit of shock right now, but I have a lot of tips to other liberal arts students about how studying here actually works. There was nobody to tell me what to do here, so I’m eager to spare other people the unbroken series of U’s and near-U’s I have inflicted on myself

It’s a happy SPring Break day as I sit through a neverending layover in Newark.


Go, Matt!

Hang in there Matt. The further along you get, the more accustomed you will become to the study techniques and the test strategies that work for you.

Enjoy spring break!!

Awesome, Matt. Where can we find those tips?

You’re right about on track, Matt. I was in a similar situation first year and it took me about this long to figure out what I needed to do. I finished out the year very strong, scoring above average on the rest of the exams and scored average or above on nearly all of the med 2 exams. Hang in there!!

Happy ending- wound up with an Honors in ‘Clinical Practice’ and a High Satisfactory in Musculoskeletal/Integumen t to wind up the year. Hard to believe I made this journey from the 50s to the 90s but the message is You Can Too.

Hard to believe I will meet some of you in person in 2 weeks after five years of just posting!

Congratulations Matt! I’m looking forward to meeting you at the conference.

Go, Matt! We’ll all have a great time at the conference!

Yaaaay Matt! See, it’s not a mistake - you’re supposed to be there! What a great way to end the year.

And yes, I’m looking forward to seeing you in two weeks.


Awesome, Matt!


Great to hear that you are keeping your head above water. A friend of mine who just started MS1 sent me this, and I immediately thought about this thread. I haven’t been keeping up with OPM too much this summer. So if any of y’all already have seen this I apologize. Had to share though:


  • MattFugazi Said:
Happy ending- wound up with an Honors in 'Clinical Practice' and a High Satisfactory in Musculoskeletal/Integumen t to wind up the year. Hard to believe I made this journey from the 50s to the 90s but the message is You Can Too.

Hard to believe I will meet some of you in person in 2 weeks after five years of just posting!

First congratulations! Second, you should go back and read your first post...I think it is great how you made this turnabout!

MS2, here you come!