I was wondering if someone could possibly help me out here? I am going to be applying to medical school next year and am 1000% sure this is what I want but I do want to get some shadowing experience under my belt. Not only do I think it’d be fun, but I just don’t want to have to wait until medical school to get this type of exposure. I am mostly interested in OB/GYN, pediatrics, and neurology/neurosurgery. I would LOVE to shadow a surgeon because I constantly find myself watching surgeries on sites such as orlive.com and just love it! I live in the Houston, TX area and any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
I’ve gotten a shadowing opportunity (and also a summer research lab job) by getting into contact with an alum (an MD) from the university where I did my undergrad degree. Often, alums are willing to help out in ways that a stranger would not.
My university happens to have an online networking group (similar to Facebook or LinkedIn), and that’s how I contacted this MD (I simply searched for local MDs and messaged several of them; this particular one messaged me back). If you don’t have that type of resource, you could also try contacting your alumni organization to see whether they could put you in touch with someone. Another option is checking with your undergrad uni’s job placement/employment office; sometimes they can help with this type of opportunity as well.
Hope this helps. Best of luck to you!