I think you’re right. This is a situation where I just have to get in there and start doing it. Every semester of straight As will just bolster my confidence and cement the idea that I am serious about this. The further into it I go, the more support I will be able to draw from other members of my family and friends. Right now, however, I have no intentions of discussing this with them. It would be foolish because all I would get is doubtful cynicism. At this point I have to bring something to the table first.
And, did you know that the Army wouldn’t take me? I got a 93 on my ASVAB and the Army wouldn’t touch me. The Marines picked me up in half a heart beat, though.
- Chris_M Said:
Your pattern of mixed grades, withdrawals, and things you look back on and say, "wow that was dumb" sounds like you might have a self-regulation disorder. I know ADD is sort of a fad, but seriously, before you embark on another attempt at college, find out what you might be up against. Having great intentions and then falling on your face is status quo for a lot of people with ADD. My brother got mailings from Ivy League schools based on his standardized test scores, but he was just barely able to graduate from high school.
I was diagnosed with ADD sometime back, and it does bother my studying habits ALOT, I feel like I have to REALLY force myself to study sometimes, and after 30 minutes of studying, I start playing around with my pencil or touching my phone randomly, I was told I should be prescribed some medication for it, but.... I felt like I can push through it without any medication. I heard ADD medication hurts your shortterm memory big time and I can't afford to have a crappy short-term memory....
Not sure what to do