Again, my sincerest apologies for this delay - as mentioned previously, the water meter in my basement burst flooding our entire downstairs, including my office. Well, to preserve the electronics, I was forced to go off-line until I had some time off (today & tomorrow) to band-aid our internet connection. Anyhow…enough crying in my beer! The purpose of this post is to finally announce the final candidates for the 2005/2006 Executive Council. Those who are elected will take office at the conclusion of the conference & will hold their respective office until either 30 June 2006 or the end of the next conference - which ever comes first.
Denise Babin, a/k/a: samenewme
Vice President
Alyson Chadwick, a/k/a: Calvin–in a box by the river
Rich Levy, a/k/a: gonnif
Gabe Lerman, a/k/a: GabeLerman
Larry Hook, a/k/a: Larry
Terry Traub, a/k/a: TTraub
At 00:01 8 May 2005 campaign season will open - sorry for the short notice candidates! I will start an elections forum where each candidate is encouraged to post something about themselves, why they are seeking their respective office & what their goals will be, if elected. In each respective forum, all members will have the opportunity - and are encouraged to do so - to ask questions of the candidates. The candidates will respond. The intent is to allow you, the membership to garner information to help you decide who best to lead OPM for the next year.
Please refer to the post regarding the election calendar for dates that voting will commence.
Oh - since Denise & Terry are running for Pres & Treasurer, respectively, unopposed, they are automatically winners & will be your next OPM President & Treasurer. Please join me in a hardy CONGRATULATIONS to Denise & Terry! And, I hope that they will agree to also fielding questions/suggestions for their offices in these same forums.
Again, my sincerest CONGRATULATIONS to all of the candidates, our Treasurer-elect & our President-elect!!!
Congrats to all of our new EC members, both those who are unapposed and running against other worthy members. As a former EC member, I can tell you that its a big job, but one of most rewarding and fun times I ever had. Best to all,