Flavor of the month: family practice

So when I was thinking about possible specialties, before actually getting into medical school, I thought - hmmmm probably medicine. Definitely not peds or OB. Never surgery. Psyc - interesting, but not so's I'd want to do it full-time. Family practice - aren't those the folks who are jacks of all trades, masters of none? Nah. I don't think so.
So what have I found in actual experience… I enjoyed peds thoroughly. I loved surgery. Now I'm doing six weeks of primary care, and while I am finding medicine clinic to be rather dreary, I LOVE my family practice clinic! I get to do a little peds, a little surgery, a little psyc, and, of course, lots of medicine. The variety is stimulating. I am hugely enthused about FP right now! My preceptor is hugely enthused about ME, which certainly helps - and it's a nice office, well-run with good staff and generally non-toxic patients.
I'm trying to sponge up as much as I can about FP and feeling quite regretful that I have paid it no attention whatsoever for the past several years, because I sure can see myself doing this job - and while I enjoyed peds and surgery, I didn't see myself DOing it, ya know?
I even had an FP tell me last week that she thought the FP approach to OB care was more aligned with nurse-midwives than OBs - as in, less interventionist, more respectful of natural processes. Boy, if that's the case, I thought to myself, I am THERE. Prior to deciding on med school, I seriously considered nurse-midwifery but decided I didn't have the patience to sit around and wait for babies as my regular job. If I could do it as PART of my doc job though, how cool would that be? I could get really enthused about that!
Of course in January I'll do medicine and will perhaps swing back to geriatrics when I do my rotation at the VA, but I dunno, this idea's feeling really good right now. Would loooove to hear from those of you who are ahead of me and/or know me to see what you think. I sometimes jump in with both feet because I really want to make a decision, and so I am trying hard to hold back a teensy bit on my enthusiasm but boy I am having fun with this idea…

Hi, Mary. My experience was very similar. I enjoyed every rotation. I ended up applying to 2 residencies.
In the end, you can only pick one, and it's kind of like having a half a dozen kids and having someone ask you which one is your favorite…
I think this bodes well for you and demonstrates you really chose the right career. Good luck in FP! And yes, you will enjoy medicine, it's very intense and patient centered.

Hey Mary,
Knowing you and knowing several excellent family practice physicians, I think you have found a home. I think you could definitely expand into one of the subspecialties if the urge hit. I really see you doing something like geriatrics. I can tell you that the Family Practice folks down here are a joy to work with. I have had several Family Practice residents on rotations like Surgical Oncology and Colo-Rectal surgery. Jennifer Dean was covering Colo-Rectal surgery while I was doing Surgical Oncology and cross covering Hepato-biliary/Transplant at night. I used to do her Traumas because she really didn’t like the “sex and violence” not to mention babysitting a profanity-spewing, intoxicated male for most of the night. ohmy.gif I learned to hate the night Trauma alert stuff.
Internal Medicine also gives you plenty of options. You just don’t see kids or deliver babies. You might like something like Nephrology or Neurology after Internal Medicine. I also think you can do Nephrology after Family Practice. I am totally in awe of the Nephrologists down here. Everytime I have a morbidly obese patient whose kidneys start to fail, I am ready for a bail-out.
I know that you like to have a long-term relationship with your patients so Family Practice or Internal Medicine will fill that requirment. I also think that you want to use your brain so Internal Medicine or Family Practice fits there too. We surgeons don’t think too much. We cut; we don’t think! cool.gif My uncle says that a thinking surgeon is a dangerous thing. He is a retired cardiologist.
I am so happy that you enjoyed Surgery. I learned lots of practical stuff on Internal Medicine and Family Practice but I found a home.

I am thrilled to learn that you've found something that blows your skirt up! I can definitely see you doing FP. It'll give ya a place to redirect those pent up nursing instincts!! LMAO…j/k! You are indeed a people person and seem to be someone who'd enjoy the long-term care aspects of FP. You can always customize your FP practice to be heavy in peds, young adults or geriatrics…your call.
Just so that you know, as an FP, you have two fellowship options available to you…and I believe they both lead to Board ceritification, but check me out on that part. FPs can do a fellowship in Sports Medicine & in GERIATRICS. I think it is a 2-year fellowship. And, being a Geriatrician does not obligate you to a geriatrics-only practice…remember, you ARE still a residency-trained FP as well.
See, you can have your cake & eat it too!

Blows your skirt up? Gee, I hope you do not use that in real life. That is, of course, unless it “snaps your jock-strap.”

Blows your skirt up? Gee, I hope you do not use that in real life. That is, of course, unless it "snaps your jock-strap."

Hey, I LOVED that expression - having had the good fortune to have drinks & dinner (not to mention belly dancing!!!) with Dave, imagining him saying it with a big grin - I got a huge laugh out of it.
and actually it captures a little of the feeling - kind of an out-there thrill. At Christmas services last night, a friend asked me if I'd decided on a field and when I replied, "Family practice," without qualifiers, it definitely felt risky!

Somehow I know that you will make one great family medicine doc. Just as I know that family medicine is where I belong, I am not surprised to see you make the same decision. Maybe it’s the mothering instinct that enjoys being part of all aspects of medicine, from the newly born infant that’s teething to the frail and elderly person struggling to survive.
I know that when I spent time shadowing family doctors it made a great impact on my decision. Before that I had been considering internal medicine, still being part of primary care, and possibly even a specialty in rheumatology; but after spending several weeks with three different family doctors, I knew that family medicine is where I belong. I also know that I will be exposed to many aspects of medicine during my clinical rotations, but I can’t imagine anything changing my mind. Like I told one of the doctors that I shadowed, "Family medicine just seems to fit. It feels right."
Now, with you and me (and I think Sue Mason is also planning on family medicine and she will be attending WVSOM with me next year), we will certainly be contributing a lot of experience to the field. Somewhere along the line, we’ll all have to get together and have a future OPM family docs party!
My only question is, when you and Dave got together, did he belly dance, too?! rolleyes.gif

Nope, OMD did not belly dance…although he has more than enough belly to entertain them all. Picture it this way, we were in a restaurant and folks were either waiting to eat, had eaten or recently finished eating >>>> none of these scenarios mix well with me belly dancing…might yield a puke feast!!
For those of you who have yet to meet me, “blows your skirt up” is definitely one of my milder one liners and has absolutely no intended or occult sexist intimations. I am king of the one-liners…more affectionately known as “Dave-isms”…{in my best Jimmy Durante accent} – I gotta million of 'em!

Merry Christmas and Peace to all!

More one-liners of this ilk:
–cranks your tractor
–floats your boat
–debunches your panties
–cooks your boogers
–makes your wagon spin (more fun than rolling)
–paints your toenails (after all, figures of speech ought to be useful)
–lights up the electric smiley face
I am just starting on my premed journey and hope to find many things that light up my smiley face along the way. If I live for the END, I know I'll never make it.

you forgot:
I bet you dollars to donuts
One of Dave’s favorites biggrin.gif laugh.gif

QUOTE (futrfysician @ Dec 27 2002, 11:48 AM)
you forgot:
I bet you dollars to donuts
One of Dave's favorites biggrin.gif laugh.gif

Hi folks,
I see the possiblity of a new thread here. Come on over to the Forum (Under General Discussion) under Jokes and other Nonsense and I will start a new thread on favorite expressions that just fit the situation.

Sounds like fun! Course, a lot of my Dave-isms are not repeatable in public…or private!

That is really cute, but I think you are all missing (or avoiding) the point. There are many great expressions out there. I can not tell you how many boats of mine have been floated in recent years, but, there is also a serious side to seemingly innocent comments. I have been in circumstances where innocent teasing can lead to outright discrimination. Humor is great, but always rooted in conception, or misconception. Jokes can be a very thin veal for lack of character. (Oh, OldManDave, I do not mean you. I am sure you meant no harm. I just want to call your attention to the fact that what you say, even in jest, matters. ) I though that the question about FP was great. I am sorry that this thread has wandered. cool.gif

QUOTE (ndsnds @ Dec 31 2002, 12:39 AM)
That is really cute, but I think you are all missing (or avoiding) the point. There are many great expressions out there. I can not tell you how many boats of mine have been floated in recent years, but, there is also a serious side to seemingly innocent comments. I have been in circumstances where innocent teasing can lead to outright discrimination. Humor is great, but always rooted in conception, or misconception. Jokes can be a very thin veal for lack of character. (Oh, OldManDave, I do not mean you. I am sure you meant no harm. I just want to call your attention to the fact that what you say, even in jest, matters. ) I though that the question about FP was great. I am sorry that this thread has wandered. cool.gif

Hi there,
Note that we did move some of the nonsense to our other thread under Jokes and other Nonsense. Gallows humor helps us all in many ways. Often you will find that while poking fun, we are keeping sanity at the same time. If that is a " very thin (veil) for lack of character" then I accept that I don't have much character. Move over to the other thread and enjoy!