Examcrackers 5 volume set. Chemistry, Biology, Organic Chemistry, Physics, and Verbal Reasoning & Math. Includes one full-length exam! Paid ~$150 at Pristine condition, no marks whatsoever. I only took off the shrink wrap and flipped through. (not even any creases in the binding) I am asking $100 plus the cost of shipping.
Kaplan 5th ed MCAT comprehensive Review - “Complete effective preparation for the MCAT through 2003” Complete science review, full-length practice exam with detailed explanations, 2 full-length verbal reasoning test. Includes unopened CD-ROM. Never opened the book either. This is also in perfect condition, no marks, etc. Paid $65 at Barnes & Noble. Asking $40 plus shipping fees.
Also have “Get into Medical School: A guide for the perplexed” by Kenneth Iserson, MD. New condition but has a slice in the front cover. Free - I ask that you send me shipping charges only.
1999-2000 MSAR. New condition. Free - again, I ask that you cover shipping charges.
Feel free to PM or email me. I had intended on using the books as a guide while I take my pre-reqs, but I haven’t bothered yet. I won’t be taking the MCAT for many more years now anyway. sad.gif

QUOTE (christina @ Oct 1 2002, 03:45 PM)
Examcrackers 5 volume set. Chemistry, Biology, Organic Chemistry, Physics, and Verbal Reasoning & Math. Includes one full-length exam! Paid ~$150 at Pristine condition, no marks whatsoever. I only took off the shrink wrap and flipped through. (not even any creases in the binding) I am asking $100 plus the cost of shipping.
Kaplan 5th ed MCAT comprehensive Review - "Complete effective preparation for the MCAT through 2003" Complete science review, full-length practice exam with detailed explanations, 2 full-length verbal reasoning test. Includes unopened CD-ROM. Never opened the book either. This is also in perfect condition, no marks, etc. Paid $65 at Barnes & Noble. Asking $40 plus shipping fees.
Also have "Get into Medical School: A guide for the perplexed" by Kenneth Iserson, MD. New condition but has a slice in the front cover. Free - I ask that you send me shipping charges only.
1999-2000 MSAR. New condition. Free - again, I ask that you cover shipping charges.
Feel free to PM or email me. I had intended on using the books as a guide while I take my pre-reqs, but I haven't bothered yet. I won't be taking the MCAT for many more years now anyway. sad.gif

Oooh, Christina,
Are you sure you want to part with these already? It's not like chem & physics changes a whole lot! Hope things are well/take care!
(I have lots of MCAT books, but someone here can use them).

Hey Mary,
I did start to sniffle a little bit when I posted that. But now that I decided to stay home with my babies until they are in the 5-6 age range…well, the MCAT is a a long way off. (If I still decide that medicine is worth the enormous time commitment at that point) At that point, I will really need to sign up for an official MCAT prep class. With small kids, I’ll need that kind of structure.
All this decision making as been tearing up my insides. It would be different if there was a med school close by, but the nearest one is 2 hours away. My fiance is in an extremely lucrative private practice and we own a house. AND our family is closeby. He loves his job(the way that it is structured) which would be difficult to come by elsewhere. I really can’t ask him to give that up. It is literally his dream job. hoo boy… sad.gif I have kicked myself a hundred thousand times(at least) that I didn’t do this the right way when I was younger. Kevin reminds me that med school will still be there when I am 40. So maybe when the kids are established in school…
If I remember correctly, your kids are middle school age, right? Did you deliberately wait til they were older?

Christina, my heart goes out to you on this! Please don’t kick yourself too hard (or even at all!) for not doing it the “right way” earlier…there are many ways, as well as motivations, to become a doctor.

You have a great memory! Actually, I had given up on my medical career way back in high school...there was no support for it despite my good grades and interest; my parents would not fill out their section of the FAFSA the first time around, so I quickly went down my list of future careers (doctor, psychologist, vet, dentist, architect...until I got to a career that did not require formal education beyond college in order to practice: artist. It's by scholarships & loans that I went directly to grad school for my MFA after college). Anyhow, I often felt I was in the wrong career despite doing well, working in publishing and teaching...getting my own work into galleries and museums.
Ironically, it was a student of mine (---a doctor---) who bonked me over the head with the possibility of returning to school. As I wrote in my essay: "My rounds that night were in the studio. I moved among the easels, from student to student, arriving at Dr. K's. "You know," this middle age physician said softly, as he daubed his canvas, "I've always wanted to paint, but just never had time." I had the reverse problem: "I always wanted to become a doctor, but didn't have any support for it so eventually it didn't seem possible," I revealed. He stopped, gazed squarely at me and quietly stated, "You could do it. You'd be good at it." With his simple words, I have reclaimed my goal to become a physician. "
Sniff! I got goosebumps and a humming solar plexis when he said that; still do. I don't know where Dr. K. is now...I checked and he's no longer at the hospital nearby that he had privileges at...but he has my gratitude for "planting" the idea in my head.
I started post-bacc courses when my youngest went to kindergarten. I'm a young's possible to do this. Just look at our fine Dr. Belle and Mary Renard and others! When any of us have babies and toddlers, time has the extra liquid quality of both dragging and flying by. "It's a blur", people say. Yup! Our oldest is now 12, our youngest is 9...we study together; we're proud of each other.
I know you can do this too, when the time is right. Hang in there!

Yay! all sold except for the Kaplan book. (and a sincere thank you to the buyer!)
Mary - I emailed you, but thank you again. Your words are encouraging!