Grades are in!!

Couldn’t be happier…with dyscalculia, and pneumonia at the end of the semester, and poor performance on the last test, I am walking away from a University Calculus I course with a… B !!! Had I not been sick and had done well on the last test, it would’ve been an A…but I am deliriously happy. I tackled what was HARDEST for me, in my world, first. I know the next 6 courses are difficult, but nothing can be as hard as this was for me. I am so grateful!!!

You rock! I know what it is like to breathe a sigh of relief for a B.

Congratulations! I think your signature quote explains your results…


Well done Vicki! You should be very proud! WTG!!!

Congrats Vicki! Good for you!

Great job! Congratulations!

YAAAAAAAAAY!!! I’m so proud of you!

Great job, Vicki!!! Congrats!!


Thanks to everyone!! it truly is a great big “Whew!” Really love the support on this page. You guys, ROCK!!!