Graphing Calculator App?

I start Cal I next month and in need of a good graphing calculator app for Ipad and Iphone. I don’t want to buy a $100 calculator (seems low-tech anyway).


I am completing Calc I this semester and I would have surely FAILED without the following apps on my Ipad:

Wolfram Alpha: its a calculation tool; the app is 2.99, but you can go onto the internet. I personally like the app!

FreeGraCalc: a FREE graphing calculator app

Good luck!

Are you sure you will be allowed to use your phone in place of your calculator? I would double check.

I bought a graphic calculator for $30 and I aced all classes I used it for. This, in my opinion, is an good investment if you plan to take several math based classes. You can buy a used TI (mine was a Casio) for probably 20.

As for a good app for iphone, I can’t help you there, I don’t have one.


**Every science class I’ve been in has specifically stated that no cell phones or tablets are allowed. Definitely want to double check that…

My TI-86 allowed me to SAIL through physics, for what it’s worth…

You can get a used or refurb one on Amazon for pennies on the dollar.

LEARN HOW TO USE THE SOLVER if you get one of these. You can plug all the equations in for gen chem and physics ahead of time (before each exam), and then all you have to do is access the equation and plug in the variables from any problem–and it does the math for you!!!

I seriously studied about half the time once I found this function.

(And yes, I asked my profs if I could use it. They both basically said that “a TI-86 was an acceptable calculator for class, and if I could figure out how to use the brain of it? Then I should go for it…because if you show the initiative, they call that working smart instead of working hard.”)

Seriously don’t know what I would’ve done without it. Not all the TI’s have the Solver function, so do your research!

I got my calculator when I took Calc from my girlfriend at the time for free

Ask around and see if anyone would be willing to lend you one.

I personally, would highly recommend using a calculator rather than using your phone or iPad. I know for a fact that my school at the time would not allow you to touch your phone or anything in class.

Since the FreeGraCalc is free, it wouldn’t hurt to download that, but again, when it comes to class I would stress using the “old fashion way.”

On a side note, I know for a fact that Wolf is an amazing tool and would recommend it when working out problematic problems as well as working from the solution backwards.

Just my thoughts.

Thanks guys, that’s why I love this site.

  • carrieliz Said:
LEARN HOW TO USE THE SOLVER if you get one of these. You can plug all the equations in for gen chem and physics ahead of time (before each exam), and then all you have to do is access the equation and plug in the variables from any problem--and it does the math for you!!!!

I seriously studied about half the time once I found this function.

(And yes, I asked my profs if I could use it. They both basically said that "a TI-86 was an acceptable calculator for class, and if I could figure out how to use the brain of it? Then I should go for it...because if you show the initiative, they call that working smart instead of working hard.")

Seriously don't know what I would've done without it. Not all the TI's have the Solver function, so do your research!

I dont recall which TI calculator i bought as a replacement as i dropped mine on the way out of the last class before the physics final. i asked one of my fellow students what they had and asked the prof. I specifically asked if I could use any function on the Calculator, he said any thing the calculator could do, I could use. Lets just say it had a USB port, a memo function with a large memory, and boy did I download. Funny how that prof loved to give old exam questions on the final.

Very good advice!