Impact of MySpace and FaceBook Pages

Study on the impact of Social Networking sites and how they affect the perception of professionalism in doctors. Some patients, after looking up their doctor online, no longer want to be treated by them

Attached files 1218580580-Online_Social_Networking_with_Medical_Professionalism.pdf (93.2 KB)Â

For better or for worse, I use my real name here and I recently had a patient ask me if I was THAT Mary Renard. She went on to tell me that she Googled me, and found OPM.

I ALWAYS have in mind that what I say in forums like this could be seen by unintended audiences.


Similarly, I was linking up with the local West Point Alum chapter, and the president Googled me and told me all about myself

The FACT that there are no truly ‘private’ domains on the web should always be at the forefront of your mind when you communicate electronically. Of course, I still strive to maintain open & honest communication as well. But, the reality is - electronic communications are very durable & harvestable by folks who are not always your advocate…that should always be your communications filter.

This should go for ALL email as well, even if you have deleted it. Virtually every system in the world is backed up daily and email can be retrieved long after you thought it was safely deleted. My favorite way to explain the impact of this comes from Ms. Manners who was once asked is better to tell someone you love them over the phone or via mail (or email). Ms. Manners replied while hearing the emotion in someone’s voice as they say I love you is wonderful, an email is so powerful, so long-lasting, so producible in court if necessary.

  • OldManDave Said:
The FACT that there are no truly ‘private’ domains on the web should always be at the forefront of your mind when you communicate electronically.

This point could be made for dating sites as well where doctors who become known as "Lotharios" could endanger their reputations, and sadly, that of the profession itself.

In the business world I inhabit, it is common that nothing goes through a computer owned by the company, or through it's systems, that you wouldn't want printed on the front page of the local newspaper.

Well, in theory I suppose a screen name such as “Boobs” could be detrimental, unless of course you are a lactating mother in desperate search of help…then, I’m thinking since I plan to go into peds, it’s just not such a bad thing afterall.

Yes it is important never to put things on the internet that could come back to haunt you.