
Ok, I have to admit I have been lurking aroung this web site for a while now and I figured it was time for an introduction.
I am a 30 year old grad student in the midst of this cool journey. It was actually this web site and SDN that really inspired me to take that great step of faith. After completing pre-med requirements in college (I graduated in 1995), I took some time off and worked in different fields, namely social services and business. I had previously worked in a hospital as a CNA for about 5 years all through college so you know I got my taste of medicine and I loved it, but I just wanted to take some time off to work a regular job, do some traveling (I went to Ethiopia on a missions trip), get more involved in my church and just have fun! And I’m glad I did because if it weren’t for those things, I would not be who I am today and I love the experiences I’ve had and the person that I’ve become.
I will be taking the MCAT in August and putting in my apps in June.
I just want to say I am very grateful for OPM and all the support and advice I’ve gotten here. This is an AWESOME web site!!! biggrin.gif

Welcome!! biggrin.gif It is always great to see a former lurker come out and say hi!
It sounds like you have used your experiences to help determine what direction you want to go with your life. And these experiences will be great on your application!
If you are planning on applying this year, why not plan on attending the convention the end of May? I can promise you, from my own experiences, that you will receive some valuable advice on how to best present yourself and your application to the med school admission committees. Things from personal essay advice and application suggestions, to how to leave your interviewers knowing that you are a good candidate for their school. And a whole lot more!! Not to mention the chance to network with fellow members and make friends that will last for a lifetime!
Again, welcome to our group, and be sure to continue taking an active part in the forums!

Welcome Jenny!!!

Welcome Jenny and good luck to you.