Is Post Bacc for me?

I graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara in June of 2007 with a B.S. in Biology. I was unsure of what career I wanted to enter as an undergraduate and did not decide on medical school until my senior year. Having a late start in the process and a GPA of 2.7 I sought advice from an advisor who suggested a Post-Bacc program and getting involved in the science field. Currently I am in an internship with a pharmaceutical company doing protein purification for oncological research, volunteering at the local hospital, planning on taking a few more science classes at the local CC and UCSD extenstion program and preparing for the MCAT. I do not come from a disadvantaged backround or a minority and I understand that this prevents me from being applicable to many programs. I am very motivated to succeed now that I am sure of the path I want to take. I would appreciated any advice you can give me including whether you think a post bacc program is for me. I understand my GPA sucks and therefore I have only found six programs that would possibly accept me…I could use some advice…

Welcome to OldPreMeds!

The first thing I would say is that you do NOT have to enroll in a formal Post-Bacc program to get into med school. Many of them were geared at people who had good grades in other fields and are career switching and need all the pre-reqs. But you can certainly take your science classes through UCSD extension (only take courses at CC if you have to–sometimes in California you do have to). If you rock the house, get great grades, and demonstrate a clear line of demarcation between the guy with a 2.7 and the guy (or gal) you are now, you still have a chance.

The other things you are doing already are JUST RIGHT. Keep on truckin’!