Is there anyone out there like me?


I just wanted to highlight the fact that universities and colleges cannot discriminate against you just because of your older age. That’s age discimination and is prohibited explicitly by the Age Discrimination Act of 1975.

I am 32 and in my freshman year. I love this site. It is real people that have “been there, done that.”

I am letting nothing stop me. I know that with my age, comes maturity. Stiff competition for the youngsters out there that are going up against myself. I have the “real life” experience. In fact, I am taking a course that has you create a charity as a vehicle for teaching. I plan on starting now on padding my application. Through this course I have already met and befriended a med school professor. I don’t know if I will ask her for advice, but, I know I am on the right path. How I test this is, do my goals touch, move and inspire people? I have no question as to medical school being in my future. I know it is.

“Do or do not. There is no try.” Jedi Master Yoda.


Guys, excuse me to help Vanessa in Portuguese. I promise there will be no bad words =).

Oi, Vanessa, tudo bem? Eu tenho 35 e me formei no Brasil tb. Mudei de carreira e estou cursando o Pre-Med program. Várias faculdades não aceitam os créditos que ganhamos no Brasil - por isso eu tive que me matricular na faculdade para me formar aqui nos EUA. Se vc quiser, escreva para o meu e-mail
