January MCAT?

Anyone have any thoughts on the January MCAT administration? Cause there’s a handful more than just April and August dates available… I’ve yet to really discuss this matter with anyone and am wondering what the pros/cons might be.

I took the January 29th MCAT. There should be some offered in March as well. I’m not sure what you’re asking.

Well, it just seems like people are always handicapping the classic dichotomy of April vs August MCAT dates (and indeed there are a few issues to consider, time for a retake before aps are due, the scoring competition against everyone else taking it that day, etc.)… But I’ve never seen a discussion of the pros and cons of other administration dates, like for example, the January one.


I think that when Jan hits, people tend to think about April because that gives them 3 more months of prep without really jeopardizing an early application during the year. Now for August, this is kind of your last chance to take and apply for that year. Waiting till next Jan means waiting one more year.

Personally, I am planning to take it next Jan. But no worries, with a nickname like yours, you are going to do great in Chem and in Bio (surely if it has anything to do with respiration).


  • redo-it-all Said:
Superoxide...with a nickname like yours, you are going to do great in Chem and in Bio (surely if it has anything to do with respiration).

Sure, he can radically reduce all the problems to their base state to find the solution. At least, if he's not rusty.