I have been around the board for awhile but this is my first post. I am so excited that this group exists. I enjoy reading the stories of those that have completed the process, as well as the thoughts and concerns of the fellow pre-med students.
My abbreviated story:
I am a 34 year old graduate student (2nd year) in Music performance. My wife originally encouraged me to consider medical school a few years ago. I was geared up to start the process then, but talked myself out of it and put it out of my mind (seemingly).
At the end of last semester, I discovered that I really don’t have the passion for music that I had in the beginning. I had always enjoyed music and the performance aspect of it, but the thought of performing/teaching for the rest of my life felt too indirect.
I taught music for three years in a K-8 school before returning to graduate school. I realized that teaching this age range was 90% classroom management and 10% teaching. I entered grad school with the goal of completing a PhD in Musicology or a DMA in performance, and ultimately teach in college.
Sorry, I said abbreviated right?
So, as I mentioned before, at the end of last semester I had a major epiphany. I was unable to shake the thought of wanting to become a physician. Which I am sure is something to which you can all attest.
Prior to college, I spent 5 years in the US Army Infantry. The Infantry taught me that your body can do so much more than your brain thinks it can, and that tenacity generally beats talent.
So, here I am 4 days before my first pre-reqs, ready to rock & roll. I just wanted to count myself amongst those individuals that are starting the journey this semester. Thanks for tolerating the rambling.
(Out of curiosity, is there a section on the forum to look for non-trads that may be in your area / attending your university?)