Name changes during application process

I think I am going to apply this year and take the MCAT in August. I will be getting married at the end of September and will be changing my legal name. Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with this? My transcripts will be requested with my current name and my name on the MCAT will be my current name also. Should I leave my current name on all records through the application process and then change it if I get accepted? Has anyone else dealt with this issue?

I haven’t, but I’m gonna. My undergrad and post-bacc transcripts are under my maiden name. The library science master’s I got in between are under my first husband’s surname. Whee. I’m sure they’ll figure it out.

Amy, I think you’re wise to postpone instituting any name changes until you’re in - that way you’ll only be dealing with one place. Changing it at the outset of school will not be problematic. Changing during the application process is a little too perilous for my taste.
Denise, if I remember correctly there’s a place on the AMCAS where you can indicate the other names that might appear on your transcripts, so you’re right - as long as you provide them with all the requisite information, you should be okay.

I forgot to say to Amy, congratulations!

Thanks, Mary!
I talked to my fiance and he agreed that it probably makes much more sense to wait to change my name. So, if I get my butt in gear and apply yet this year, I will wait to change my name until after I am either accepted to a school or know that I have to do the application cycle next year.
I have still been waffling about applying and taking the MCAT this year. After reading all the MCAT posts since the scores came out, I felt like I was going to be woefully unprepared. Then, I get out my Kaplan book and listen to my Examkrakers CD’s and think “Wow - I KNOW this stuff!”. I’m really feeling that I am well prepared on most of the material for the MCAT (I have taken all of my pre-req’s since September) and its all still fresh in my mind. For me, I think it’s a matter of taking the time to do practice questions and practice exams and spending a little bit of time on the little bit of material that I haven’t had or haven’t had in awhile (biochem, A&P).