New Healthcare documentary...

Curious to know what you guys think as I’m sure this would make for some very interesting topic discussion during interviews…


Interesting preview. I agree that the healthcare system needs an overhaul. I’m sure that there are several different avenues that we could pursue to change it.

At my job we have a “mandatory” health incentive program. It’s mandatory because if you choose not to participate in the program you can’t get the “good” health insurance which has a much lower deductible and premium. The incentive is a health reimbursement account up to $400. Depending on your health screening results, you have to create and follow through on a wellness plan with a wellness coach.

Being a public health person, I’ve always been prevention minded but there are so many factors and barriers in the path to wellness and some people no matter how much you talk to them or how much they know just won’t change their behaviors for a healthier lifestyle. Another interesting documentary that kind of complements your link is Unnatural Causes:…

Good links.