Hello!!! I am estatic to be a part of this web community.I am a 29yr old mother of three awesome sons ages 11,9 & 8.I am a sophomore in college and highly motivated in pursuing medicine. I have had many encouraging and discouraging comments from close friends and family about my career choice.After some longs moments of reflection,I came to realize that I was my own worst doubter. I had to take time out and reflect on what was most important to me as an individual.Prior to this, I was measuring myself against my peers who had already “made it” per se. My outlook has changed. As along as I am breathing and all of my faculties are working; I have a serious shot at med school.I feel a since of relieve having expressed this .I wish everyone the best in their medical pursuit.Ciao
Hi, and best of luck!
Welcome and best of luck to you! You have a great attitude–thanks for sharing it with all of us!!
Great to have you here and looking forward to your future success.
You and I share similar backgrounds. I too am 29 with three children; a girl and two boys (8,6,4) but I am a single father. I have been pondering this career since my junior year of HS!!! I graduated in 1995 so you do the math. I’ve read many books on this career, and the education required. I have recently read how others have changed careers “late” in life. I don’t know why I was so afraid but now I have the courage and confidence to pursue this dream and make my children proud. Ten years from now I don’t want to say “I wish I did that, I want to say we are finally here, we have arrived”. Stay encouraged and be strong in your endeavors.
Thanks for your warm response.It’s great to know that we are not alone in this journey…God bless you!!
Thank you for such a warm welcome.Please forgive my late response.
Thank you for such a warm welcome.Please forgive my late response.
I’m a 27 year old mother of 5 sons (8,7,4,3 & 4monthes)I graduated high school in 1996. I started school in the summer of 03, I took one quarter then decided to go back to work. I have had the seed planted in me to be a doctor since I was 12 years old. It just never went away. No matter how hard i tried not to think about it, or to not want it because of my family size, it stayed in my heart. without the dream, i felt empty. Now that I am going to school full time on campus and actually doing what I’ve dreamed of for so long, its like a wonderful feeling of peace. I feel like I am on the right path, and so many doors are opening for me, all of my needs are met. It confirms for me that I am doing what I was meant to do. It feels good! Good luck to you!
I’m a 27 year old mother of 5 sons (8,7,4,3 & 4monthes)I graduated high school in 1996.
5 Boys?? Keep shooting (no pun intended) for a girl, huh?
Hello!!! I am estatic to be a part of this web community.I am a 29yr old mother of three awesome sons ages 11,9 & 8.I am a sophomore in college and highly motivated in pursuing medicine. I have had many encouraging and discouraging comments from close friends and family about my career choice.After some longs moments of reflection,I came to realize that I was my own worst doubter. I had to take time out and reflect on what was most important to me as an individual.Prior to this, I was measuring myself against my peers who had already “made it” per se. My outlook has changed. As along as I am breathing and all of my faculties are working; I have a serious shot at med school.I feel a since of relieve having expressed this .I wish everyone the best in their medical pursuit.Ciao
Hi there,
Welcome to the forums! It is nice to have you here and posting. The decision to pursue medicine is a very long term goal. Take you time, learn the materials that you need to learn and keep working forward every day.
If medicine is your goal, do not allow the comments of others to deter you. The only person that you have to live with in the end is you and only your thoughts count. There will always be people who will label you “selfish” because you are pursuing this goal with a family but the pursuit of any goal is purely selfish.
Again, take it slow and easy. Revel in your family-time as a great diversion from the grind of studying and keep moving forward. It is good to have you here.