Dear Kennymac,
thank you very much for your insightful comment. It is what I’ve suspected.
OK, plan B: I have looked into post-bacs locally (I do need to take ALL pre-med courses EXCEPT GEN. CHEM I, it’s like 32 credits of pre-meds). I have researched local post-bac programs and closest one is 2 hours away (one way!!!). I am thinking about doing them online from a reputable on-line program and then taking MCATs. I might take me 3-4 years to do so, considering I cannot quit my 35 hours/week job The good news is that my job will allow me to study most likely stress free (on most days). My plan is to start med-school when kids are off to college, I will be close to 55… =O =O =O.
In that regard, can you give, or anyone else in this forum, a strong recommendation for ONLINE pre-med courses??? Luckily I took chem. 1 in a super-tough CUNY school and got a “B” while working full-time nights as a nurse in critical care in late 90-s…
May there is hope for me?