Only 11 units in a semester?

So, I just withdrew from my bio class for a variety of reasons, the primary one being that inbetween work and my chem teacher overloading the class with lots of mandatory “extra credit” work, I just don’t have the time to devote to chem, calc /and/ bio, so I cut out the one that I don’t necessarily need to have done this semester in order to transfer.

I’m curious though, how will this look to have only completed 11 units one semester and having one W on that semester but letter grades for the other classes? Will they scrutinize one semester such as that? I’m not too worried about it since it’ll show on my transcripts later that I took my bio sequence at a 4-year instead of a CC and got A’s (knock on wood) so no question of whether the class was too hard, but I don’t have much experience with withdrawals since I typically refuse to drop/withdraw from a class; I just didn’t have a choice this time. Anyway, curious what fallout (if any) you guys think there may be from this.

And yes, I’m sure one semester probably won’t matter, but I’m also sure everyone can agree that this process tends to make you pretty neurotic and paranoid, so bear with me.

If it’s just one, it’ll be fine. They may ask you why you withdrew, and you can explain it, and then you’ll move on. Life is short. Go worry about chemistry.

You might note the “drop day” for next time… Don’t let your ego allow you to stay with a course just because…

If you get to “drop day” and are not sure you will do well (as defined B or above) DROP the class… and NO “W” will appear.

Over the years I think I used that two or three times

  • Richard B Said:
You might note the "drop day" for next time... Don't let your ego allow you to stay with a course just because...

If you get to "drop day" and are not sure you will do well (as defined B or above) DROP the class... and NO "W" will appear.

Over the years I think I used that two or three times

I used it once for a pol sci class I didn't need for which I could tell just from the syllabus the teacher was a POS. I probably could have gotten a B in the class, actually, but for a BCPM class, that's just not acceptable to me, since it probably would have been a B in all three classes instead of an A in two.