
Please keep my grandmother in your prayers as she is in heart failure and my father-in-law as he was just diagnosed with Prostate Cancer.

Today, is NOT is a good day.

Gabe, you and your family will all be in my thoughts and prayers.

Know that you and your entire family are in my and Zane’s thoughts and prayers.

Rest assured that you & Emily are in our thoughts & prayers. Times like this are when OPM really shows its colors. It is easy to be friendly when the going is easy. When times are rough are when your true friends rise to the occasion. Know that you can count on OPM for support.

Thank you all. You truly are great.

I’m sorry to hear that your family is having health difficulties. I will be thinking of all of you. Take care.


  1. Grandma is out of the hospital. I did some pedal pump, levage, and some rib raising on her today. We shall see. Convinced my mom to get her to a Geriatrician.

  2. Father in law: So far, bone scan came back negative.


I didn’t read this thread until today. Sorry for the delay; I’ll definitely remember about your family in my prayers. It looks like things are already moving in the right direction.

CT came back clear. Now for surgery. Grandma is doing better. When I saw her on Sunday I did some lymphatic pump, levage, rib raising, and vagal stimulation. My mom said that she sounded better, yesterday.

thank you all for your thoughts. It touches my heart.

Gabe, could you expect any less from your electronic family?

Getting a triple bypass tomorrow.

We’ll be praying that all goes well, Gabe.

We’ll be thinking of you. Take care.

Hope all went well with the surgery and wishing you a speedy recovery!

Big hugs, Gabe. We’re still thinking of you.

Hope your grandma’s surgery went well! Also, sorry to hear about your father-in-law! Boy, double whammy! Not a good day, indeed!

Your family is in my thoughts!

Thanks everyone, I am touched.

Surgery went well. But the next day, she took a nose dive due to clotting. She has a history of DVTs and it seems to have come back with a vengance. She was given a -2% chance of survival. At that time, she was suffering from bowel ischemia and a cyanotic pulseless foot.

As of today, she has a 2% chance of survival. The foot has regained its pulse and is warm again. Her blood work is improving. right now, we do not know what to think. We do not want to get our hopes up, but my grandmother is a survivor. She survived the Concentration Camps in WW-2 (yes, multiple) and she is still appears to be fighting.


Your grandmother, you and your family continue to be in our prayers.
