I’ve been trying to find some more information on the military scholarships you can choose to use to pay for medical school in exchange for serving as an officer but I just simply can’t find any information on these, for once Yahoo has utterly failed me. Does anyone know any thing about this program, specifically if a person is already considered a veteran?
Here’s the link for the Navy’s program: http://nshs.med.navy.mil/hpsp/Pages/HPSPHome.htm. The Army and Air Force also have programs I believe. In addition, I think there are programs through the reserves as well. I’ve been contacted by the Navy, the Army, and my local Army reserve since I took my MCAT in August. I imagine they contact all people who’ve taken the MCAT.
I posted a similar question last week about people who have experience with the military scholarship ( http://www.oldpremeds.org/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php/Cat/0/Number/36213/page/0/view/collapsed/sb/5/o/all/vc/1 ). Check that link out as well.
You can check out the Active Duty Air Force Physician education programs at http://www.afpc.randolph.af.mil/medical/PhysicianEducation/default.htm
If that link doesn’t work, go to www.af.mil then look click “Medical info” under the “Officer” heading on the right-hand side, then on the new page (AFPC Physician Education Branch) click the “Division Branch” and select “Physician Education -DPAME” under “education links” select “Medical School Scholarship Information”.
I would also check out guard and reserve opportunities. I did a google for “national guard physician education” and found some interesting results.
Good luck,
I know this doesn’t help you now, Tim, but once you apply/get accepted to medical schools, the recruiters are all over the place. I got a lot of e-mails from recruiters last year during the applications cycle. You might consider contacting your local recruiting offices for more info.
Thanks for the responses guys…I’ve had bad experience with the military before, namely them forcing me to run in junk shoes and giving me stress fractures, but I figured I’d take a look at everything just to keep an open mind. If the recruiters are all over the place anyways at the medical schools I’ll probably just talk to them then, easiest way to find out info about the military is take what a recruiter says then go look it up and find out what’s actually true afterwards since you have specific stuff you can search for.
I considered male prostitution - but my wife wasn’t cool with the idea…
Hmm, I’m single, that’s not a bad idea…
I considered male prostitution - but my wife wasn’t cool with the idea…![]()
Hey Dave,
I’m not cool with the idea either.

I’m picturing you on a street corner in a leather miniskirt, soliciting.
You’d have to wear the OPM thong, of course.
OK, who in the world thought that we needed to be selling an OPM THONG??!!! That was bizarre to see!
Whoa! I thought it was a joke until I clicked on the link, lol. I dunno about that, I’d just charge the client and be done with it.
Hi there,
The story goes that Old Man Dave was having one of his “pre-residency” sleepless nights and decided to design the official OPM thong and it’s available for purchase at the OPM merchandise store. Now what OPM member can afford to pass this up? You can wear it for all of your important exams for good luck.
Hi there,
The story goes that Old Man Dave was having one of his “pre-residency” sleepless nights and decided to design the official OPM thong and it’s available for purchase at the OPM merchandise store. Now what OPM member can afford to pass this up? You can wear it for all of your important exams for good luck.
I wear one on my head at exams. I do get a few strange looks, but I also get lots of empty seats near me, which I like because I can spread out my coat, backpack, etc.
You probably get free psychotherapy too, and even just two sessions is a $300 value or about that! You can definitely get your money’s worth out of one small purchase.
OK, who in the world thought that we needed to be selling an OPM THONG??!!!That was bizarre to see!
The OPM THONG came about late one night - after several adult beverages. I was learning to ‘create’ stuff to sell through our OPM/Cafe Press Store and it struck me as a funny thing to have. In fact, since the host of the “Front Porch” saw it fit to make it public fodder on the NHPR show I was on, I sent him on - in XL - as a thank you/remember OPM gift. Of course, I also sent he & his Admin Asst a couple of nice mugs too.
To be fair, the Cafe Press site we use for our store offers a wide array of products to put your logo on, and the thong happens to be one of them. I added one to our Scottish dance group’s store based on a request from another member. I don’t think she ever bought one, either, which is a pity, because they’re very good quality.