Quotes, Funny Lines, and Other Random Mental Detritus

  • In reply to:
5) I thought my brand new organic book was a virgin but considering the number of times it screwed me during the course, I am not so sure now


“I thought my brand new organic book was a virgin but considering the number of times it screwed me during the course, I am not so sure now”

Hilarious! Agreed with Bailey on the last one. We should have a sort of book with crazy and wonderful one liners.

Bailey I loved yours as well (“if you ain’t blowing huge wads of cash, you ain’t trying hard enough”)

This is the king of one liners we should keep somewhere as they are nice ways to say a lot, in a very simple and concise words.

We really should. An OPM quotes page… gears start turning

  • gonnif Said:
5) I thought my brand new organic book was a virgin but considering the number of times it screwed me during the course, I am not so sure now


Let’s make a Quotes T-Shirt for the next conference… surely, there is someone in this group clever enough to come up with a great graphic design that will make us all keel over laughing while others just look at us in confusion? Any takers???

This is completely off mark and unprofessional but I just came across this youtube ad for a book that, well, goes with recent comments in this thread made by yours truly

Link “A Virgin’s Guide to Everything”


Hmm… t-shirt… sounds good…perhaps from far away looks like a dead tree, but up close is lots of strange little quotes shaped like a tree? Just a random idea.

Shall we start by creating a quotes thread? We’ll just go cut and paste each other’s comments in there as time goes on, to store them.

Please Note:

This thread was split off previous discussion. Please add Quotes, Funny Lines, and Other Random Mental Detritus. Feel free to post your signature quote (and why you chose it). If you have attribution as well as who initially submitted to OPM, please add that as well. Quotes added her may be placed in a random quote generator on the forum page as well as listed in a planned web page on the site.

This has been a public service announcement.

We now bring you back to the new thread already in progress

Biggest four letter word in emergency medicine?


When I saw thi on a bumper sticker of a beat-up old red honda that sounded like a bad harley my first thought the driver is definitely NOT OldPreMed material

Hung Like Einstein

Smart as a Horse

AMCAS is submitted! Bank account is depleted

  • OwenO

    Over the past month, I have become an expert at writing about my life.

  • desert_shawn

    AMCAS & AACOMAS submit buttons? No, they are called the “Pay & Pray” buttons.

Then there’s Lorien’s cautionary tale about the communication gap with the trads…

The scene: Physics lab; a conversation with my lab partner.

The time: Wednesday afternoon.

The lesson: The decline of our youth.

Lorien: Do you listen to NPR?

Lab partner: Is that a band?

Lorien (repressing a gulp and turning beet-red): Uh, it’s like PBS, but on the radio.

Lab parter (eyes widening, brow furrowing): Oooooohhhhh.

Lorien: Never mind.

Reminds me of my interaction with a partner in my group for the “Static and Dynamic EKG Rhythms” lab.

I got one wrong, and said…“oops, I haven’t actually worked with these rhythms since 1993”.

He paused, and looked at me, and said “That’s ok. I was in kindergarten then.”

This thread is an excellent idea. Thank you!