Hi Everyone. I am new to this forum so please forgive me if there are already threads of the same topic. I tried looking for a thread I came across a few weeks ago but can no longer find it.
Anyhow, I am in need of another fellow premed’s advice on my situation and I figure this is the best place. So here are my stats: I am 27 years old, psychology undergrad degree - GPA 3.0, took half of med school prereq’s at a community college:
Physics 1 -A
Physics 2 - B
Bio 1 - A
GenChem 1 - A
GenChem 2 - A
and other half at a university:
OChem 1 - B
Ochem 2- A
Bio 2 - A
BioChem 1- A
Currently I am debating whether I should go for a second degree in Biochemistry or get a master’s in Biochemistry (thinking of master’s just incase so I can at least use it to advance at my job)…or neither? I feel that I should only because 1) my undergrad GPA isn’t so great 2) I did not take my prereq’s all at the same time but spread out within 2 years and 3) most of the prereq’s were taken at a community college.
So here are my questions:
- Should I consider a second BS or MS in biochem?
By the way, I found an online Biochem MS program at St. Joseph College (http://www.sjc.edu/content.cfm/pageid/6326). Has anyone heard or have more information about the program?
- Should I take more upper level biology courses at a university to compensate for courses taken at the community college?
Any advice or feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advance =)