Seeking for advise and encouragement

First of all, I hope that this post is in the right forum. If it’s not, my apologies. Anyway, here’s my information, and I’m hoping to gain some valuable insights/reccomendations as to apply or not. Thanks in advance.

Sex: M

Age: 33

Race: Asian

Highest Level of Education: MS - Science (3.3 GPA) and MS - Management (3.1 GPA)

College: BS - Science (2.6 GPA)

Work Experience: 7 years of managerial role in pharmaceutical research and development specifically in clinical research for oncology products.

I guess that I finally realized what I want to be when I grow up. Any encouragements will be greatly appreciated.

to begin with welcome to OPM, you are among kindred spirits. You need to tell us a little more about yourself:

When did you get your undergrad? Did you fulfill the pre-reqs? If so, how did you do? Did you take the MCAT? If not when are you planning to take them? If you did, how did you do? Have you applied this year? When do you think you would like to apply?

As for some encouragement, just read around. Especially read the diaries and they will tell you a lot about the people here and you can definitely get some encouragement that way.

Again, welcome and ask anything you want.