The campaign trail

I meant to do this before but with exams and ER visits, it got lost. Now I am just procrastinating (orgo chap 17 is waiting for me in the other room.)
Spent a week with Team Edwards and it was wonderful and terrible and all the things I love/hate about campaigning. (If I have posted this before, I know I did elsewhere, I blame Canada – no, wait, my head cold, whatever).
Went to South Carolina to set up events with Senator Edwards, all went well. He really is an amazing speaker and great campaigner. Rode the plane (commercial) with his wife who is the nicest person on earth. Really.
I really hope to do some more for him and the convention. If all goes well, I’ll do a campaign next fall (thank God for the glide year that had me so annoyed at one point!).
I’ve been telling myself to do what makes my ‘eyes dance’ or whatever and it has reminded me there will be life after school even if I don’t ever become a doctor.

I keep thinking this when I think of Dems right now:
When criminals in the world appear
and break the laws that they should fear
and frighten those who see and hear
the cry goes out both far and near
Speed of lightening, roar of thunder
fighting those who rob and plunder

I am off to Ohio tomorrow! And my trip will be short so I won’t miss any classes! Yay!
If you are watching tv Sun night and see an event with Sen. Edwards in Columbus, OH, look for me!

There’s certainly plenty of criminals out there now in our world and government right now so the underdog would be a good choice.

Do you think that Edwards has a chance to take what appears to be a lock for Kerry away from him? Even from across the pond, it seems that Kerry is a lock.

Do I think Edwards has a shot at beating Kerry, actually I do. I think Super Tuesday might bring some surprising results.
Lest you think I am a ‘Johnny come lately’ to this school of thought, I have been telling people since last spring that Edwards would wait until the right time to make his move, so to speak and it seems he may be doing just that.

I’m hopeful myself. He should be stronger in the South.
Sigh. It’s a sad commentary on the current administration that there are Libertarians voting for Democrats.

Recap of the weekend. It was the best event I have ever worked on. We had 1000 people (600 in the actual roon and TWO overflow areas). Senator Edwards enjoyed it, I enjoyed it and it reminded me that I am good at some things (this whole process seems to show me all the things I cannot do well). So it was a great experience.
It will have to hold me over 'till August!
If any of you get the chance to see Edwards speak – and if he is coming to a town near you, let me know if you want to do, do it! He is a great speaker.

It looks like I am going to be interviewed for a book “Inside the Ropeline” about the people who work on presidential campaigns. Should come out next summer – I can hardly believe it!

So what’s next for the campaign trail now that Edwards is dropping out? Will you go work for Kerry or was Edwards your guy? I really liked Edwards and Dean. Kerry is just kinda “there” for me.