This train don't stop

We have a major block of exams and then WHAM!! we are right back at it. Dr. Mohite never even acknowledged the exam. Went right into Lower Limb.
Oh well. No rest for the weary…this train don’t stop

QUOTE (futrfysician @ Oct 1 2003, 03:31 PM)
We have a major block of exams and then WHAM!! we are right back at it. Dr. Mohite never even acknowledged the exam. Went right into Lower Limb.
Oh well. No rest for the weary...this train don't stop

Hey JP,
It won't stop for the rest of your life! Welcome to the world of medicine. That's why you gotta love it to do it well.

It's weird how you get used to taking exams and just going, going, going…like the Energizer Bunny. I remember being extremely stressed during first year before the first few exams. Now, I just work through them. I still get some butterflies but sometimes I wonder if my lack of super-stress is a good or a bad thing.