UC Concurrent Enrollment

I live in the SF Bay Area, and am a UC Santa Cruz alumnus (lit '00). I need all of my pre-req’s and am shopping around for the best, most convenient program. Since SFSU dropped their post-bac option for incoming students, and since Mills is expensive, I’m considering the “concurrent enrollment” route, maybe at UC Berkeley. Has anyone out there taken pre-med classes this way? Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

- Jake

Hey Jake,
I am at UC Berkeley. I am a little busy now preparing for finals but I will look into the post bac for you. You might also check in with Cal State Hayward. UCB sends students to CSUH for post bacs. Dr. Oscar Wambuguh is their postbac/premed advisor. CSUH is still open for apps for the summer. They also have a true quarter system. The summer quarter isn’t quick and dirty. Having four terms in a year will excellerate your process. You can also get fiancial aid. Wambuguh is very accessible and CSUH has a good science program. Let me know what you need.

I checked. UC Berkeley doesn’t have a post bach program. There is a page on the website that directs you to Syracuse University that lists programs across the country. So for your purposes not very helpful. But I will post it anyway.
http://career.berkeley.edu/Article/030321a.stm. You could take them through UC Extension, but it is expensive and you wouldn’t have library privileges. I would check out CSUH.
I hope this helps.

Thanks a lot, Meredith. I’ll definitely look into your suggestions. It’s people like you that make this such a helpful forum.
Good luck on you finals.
- Jake

Anytime, glad to help.