Updated AACOMAS Information

Below is from Gina Moses, Associate Director of Application Services, American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine to health advisors across the country about the AACOMAS process this year. Gina has been a long time support of OldPreMeds and we thank her for providing this accurate, timely information

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From: Gina Moses gmoses@AACOM.ORG


Sent: Mon May 03 14:43:07 2010

Subject: [HLTHPROF] 2011 AACOMAS Launched!

May 3, 2010

AACOMAS is pleased to announce that the 2011 AACOMAS Application launched at noon today, May 3, 2010. As of 2:00 pm, over 500 applicants have started their 2011 applications.

Please help us share the following important tips and advice for the 2011 cycle with your applicants and prospective students

  1. 2011 AACOMAS will launch in the afternoon of May 3, 2010 - Eastern Time. URL: https://aacomas.aacom.org or http://www.aacom.org

  2. New for 2011: Applicants may work on their AACOMAS application throughout the month of May. They will only be able to submit their 2011 AACOMAS application on/after June 1, 2010.

  3. New for 2011: All applicants applying in the 2011 cycle must submit their most current Spring coursework transcript with posted grades. We will not begin to process applications until Spring grades are posted.

  4. New for 2011: Applicants will be able to access a comprehensive 2011 AACOMAS Instructions Booklet that will aid them in successfully completing their application. Advisors will also find this instruction publication useful when assisting applicants.

  5. New for 2011: AACOMAS has changed the address to which applicants should send transcripts. Please have transcripts sent to:


    1900 L Street, NW, Suite 603

    Washington, DC 20036

    Note that processing of transcripts sent to AACOMAS at its Chevy Chase, MD address will not be delayed; however, sending transcripts to the above address is preferred.

  6. Roll-over feature: For past applicants that are re-applying in 2011, the roll-over feature will be available for their use.

  7. For applicants students applying for Fall 2011 admission, we strongly recommend that they review the 2011 Osteopathic Medical College Information Book that includes descriptions of all of the osteopathic medical colleges, admissions criteria, minimum entrance requirements, supplementary application materials required, class size, application deadlines, and tuition.

    URL link: http://www.aacom.org/resources/bookstore/c ib/Pages…

  8. Deadlines vary amongst the Osteopathic Medical Colleges. AACOMAS recommends applicants submit their completed, paid application by December 1, 2010 for best consideration. The majority of the medical colleges have a February 1st deadline. Normal processing time is 3-6 weeks.

  9. The on-line AACOMAS Application Support Center is an integrated part of the application system which we encourage applicants to use when they have questions or need to make updates on their application. Dedicated staff respond to applicants through this system and a written log is established.

  10. MCAT scores must be released to AACOMAS through the THx system. Applicants must provide their MCAT/AAMC number (8-digits beginning with 1) in their AACOMAS application. Their AACOMAS application is then electronically matched to their score(s).

  11. Applicants may submit their AACOMAS application without a set of MCAT scores. They simply indicate “Planned” in the MCAT section of their application.

  12. Personal Statement: 4,500 characters (this includes spaces).

  13. GPA Calculations: Math courses are included as a “Non-Science” in AACOMAS GPA calculations.

  14. Repeated Coursework: The most recent repeated course grade is included in AACOMAS calculated GPAs – repeated courses are not averaged.

  15. Prerequisite Coursework: Only grades of C or better are included in prerequisite verification.

  16. Lastly, AACOMAS staff processed over 100,000 applications for more than 13,000 applicants in the 2010 cycle. Please encourage your applicants to read the instructions, be accurate, complete, and early, review their materials with you before they submit, and make sure that they “authorize release to their Advisor” so that you may view their progress in the Advisor Information Center (AIC) portal: http://aic.aacom.org/

    On behalf of all of us at AACOM, we thank you for your support and look forward to helping you and your applicants in the 2011 AACOMAS cycle.


    Gina M. Moses, M.Ed.

    Associate Director of Application Services

    American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine

    5550 Friendship Blvd., Suite 310

    Chevy Chase, MD 20815-7231

    E-mail: gmoses@aacom.org


    2011 Osteopathic Medical College Information Book Now Available

    Includes descriptions of all of the osteopathic medical colleges, admissions criteria, minimum entrance requirements, supplementary application materials required, class size or enrollment, application deadlines, and tuition. Get more info.

Resources for 2011 AACOMAS as provided by AACOM

Information for Pre-Health Advisors

http://www.aacom.org/InfoFor/phadvisors/Pa ges/defa…

Information for Applicants and Potential Applicants

http://www.aacom.org/InfoFor/applicants/Pa ges/defa…

Advisor Information Center (AIC) Portal


2011 AACOMAS Application


2011 AACOMAS Instructions Manual

http://www.aacom.org/InfoFor/applicants/do cuments/…

2011 College Information Book (CIB)

http://www.aacom.org/resources/bookstore/c ib/Pages…

Osteopathic Medical College Recruiting Events

http://www.aacom.org/events/calendar/recru iting/Pa…

Fast Facts About Osteopathic Medical Education

http://www.aacom.org/about/fastfacts/Pages /default…

Follow AACOM on Facebook

http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chevy-Chase-MD/ AACOM…