Hey guys! I am waiting to hear back from is medical schools. Four of the schools do not have a specific area to provide updates. What is the best way to provide updates to these schools to show I am interested and still here? I currently work as an ER nurse and just played lead on a major project at work which saved the department a lot of money and improved some processes. Thanks!

Worst case, you can email the admissions office of those schools and request that they update your record. I wouldn’t make any guarantees that they would update your record, especially if it’s pre-secondary, but it couldn’t really hurt to try.

@Kennymac wrote:

Worst case, you can email the admissions office of those schools and request that they update your record. I wouldn’t make any guarantees that they would update your record, especially if it’s pre-secondary, but it couldn’t really hurt to try.

Thanks! I emailed the schools. The schools I contacted have had my secondaries for the last couple months. Only had 2/7 schools with an update section in their secondary website.