Hello Dr Gray and everyone,
I am hoping if you can help me out. I am trying to figure out on how to categorize on these experiences for medical school application. The first one is being a research assistant for a project and helps build a database called the ORIEN (Oncology Research Information Exchange Network) Avatar program for a cancer comprehensive hospital. MY current role consist of reading pathology reports, shipping and sorting specimens for genomic analysis, and collaborating with doctors and researchers on how to expand projects. Eventually I would have look into building a database with genomic analysis. So my question is, would this consider as a research experience?
Also, I have been looking into getting more clinical experiences. Couple years ago, I used to volunteer at a hospital for 5 years logging 1000 hours. Now I am seeking into doing something different. I am considering doing either a behavioral interventionist working with autism children or EMT working as ER Tech. My concerns for behavorial tech is that it would not be count as a clinical experience for some medical school. I would love to working with autism children, but I am afraid that they will question of my most recent clinical experiences. EMT would be a great clinical experience for me, but the cost and time to get a certification and finding a job in a crowd field seems daunting to me and I am afraid I will have a hard time finding a part time job.
I am planning to applying in summer of 2021 so I have some time to do it. What do you think about both of my potential research and clinical experience? Thank you.