28yrs old...Business UG...Married...Want to do Med...Advice?

Hello to the community! I’ve been reading a number of posts on this board and am impressed with the support and great advice that everyone has been offering. I thought I’d toss my particular situation into the mix and get some answers to questions I have swirling in my mind.

I graduated from UG 6 yrs ago. I’ve been working in media in a strategy finance capacity since graduation. I’ve done fairly well but am dissatisfied with the work. I have numerous doctors in my life (close friends, in-laws) and always find myself envious of the non-monetary rewards their work brings. Also, I find myself utterly fascinated about the cases they face and how they resolve them. I’d been on a pre-med path until mid-high school but was distracted with the high flying finance life after getting into a top ug business program. I’m finally back at the original passion but am nervous because it seems “too late.” Here are my questions:

  1. From what I’m reading on the boards, it seems like it’s never too late to start if you really want it. I am 28 and will be starting all the pre-med reqs now. Realistically, with a potential glide year + med school + residency at what age will I start practicing?

  2. #1 said, I am married and would like to start a family in my early thirties. If all goes according to plan, this is when I’ll be in my first couple of years of medical school. Anyone out there that went through the same? What are some things to consider? Pros/Cons?

First, welcome to OPM!!

  • CP30 Said:
1. From what I'm reading on the boards, it seems like it's never too late to start if you really want it. I am 28 and will be starting all the pre-med reqs now. Realistically, with a potential glide year + med school + residency at what age will I start practicing?

Realistically, you should probably budget 3 years for taking the prereqs and applying. Assuming all goes well and you get accepted, that would have you matriculating in medical school Fall of 2011. Medical school is four years. Residency (which is paid slave labor) is a minimum of three years, depending on what specialty you want to pursue.

So, around 10 years. It's possible in some cases to do all the prereqs and apply in 2 years, but it can be very difficult as it usually requires taking either gen chem or organic chemistry during a summer session. It's probably safer to plan for three academic years.

  • In reply to:
2. #1 said, I am married and would like to start a family in my early thirties. If all goes according to plan, this is when I'll be in my first couple of years of medical school. Anyone out there that went through the same? What are some things to consider? Pros/Cons?

You don't specify if you are male or female, so it's hard to give specific advice. Obviously, it's much more difficult if you are a female. But, it's not impossible. I won't say that there are lots of women out there having babies in med school and residency, but there are a fair amount. If you feel comfortable posting your gender, perhaps we can better approach this question.

Apologies. I realized many hours after posting that I never specified my gender. I am female.

I have ZERO advice for you. I just wanted to offer my encouragement. You are young, just do what you can when you can and as the time for med school gets closer, I’m sure the muddy water will start to clear. It is clearing for me. I am a woman with 10 children and a sick husband. I currently have a 3.96 GPA (I cried for weeks when my 4.0 broke), I am 35 years old and I have a long road ahead of me but I am enjoying the journey! The journey should be as much fun as the destination. So sit back, have faith, and take it one step at a time…

OOOOPs, that sounded a lot like advice, sorry, I was only trying to encourage you!


Ok - so having finished two massive assignments, I can try and give a little more detailed answer.

I won’t say that having children in medical school is easy, but it is definitely doable. My daughter was born in January of my second year and I know a few other female students who have had children during medical school.

What is most important as to whether or not having children will work for you is what kind of support you have from your spouse, family and friends. Third year is very demanding hour-wise, and you will need to rely on others to do most of the care for your child. Fourth year is not as demanding hour wise, but there are other considerations, such as traveling for residency interviews.

How flexible and accommodating medical schools are probably varies quite a bit. My school was very helpful and supportive, and my deans were great.

I have met female doctors with as many as five children. I’ve met several who had two during medical school. We’re actually thinking about trying for our second one during 4th year.

Wow, to be 28 again…I was 40 when I started and by the grace of God was accepted on my first application to my first choice of schools…

So – no, you’re not too old – if you matriculate in 2011 as others have calculated, that should put you at 31 + 4 + 3 (minimum) makes you 38. You’ll be younger getting out and practicing than I was getting in…kewl

As far as kids go, we had two when I started (ages 8 and 6). I’ve seen some of my classmates start families and the universal complaint is no time with the kiddos. I’ve heard of young ladies having to take time off due to morning sickness, etc. but can’t speak to that (wrong gender)…

Think of it this way — how old will you be 10 years from now if you don’t go to medical school — 38 and thinking ‘what if’…Life isn’t a dress rehearsal…go for it if it’s what you want…

As far as having a family…I’ve generally found that things work themselves out in that area…but my wife has been extremely supportive of me in this endeavour…so when I’m done, she goes back to sit for the CPA exam…it’s all good…

Hi there, I too am on a similar boat. I am 29 but I have two kids. This make the decision much harder. I don’t have the preq or at least not all of them. I do have a nursing degree but I am an inactive nurse. Anyone out there with kids who had this hard decision to make.

Sorry I forgot to answer your question. As a mom, life in general is so much harder. If I didn’t have my babies I would do it in a heart beat. Good luck on your decision