Ain't nothin like the real thing

Is there any place that one can obtain copies of past administered MCATs? If not, what is the closest thing to the real thing? I want to do practice tests but don’t want to waste time on exams that are too different (either much easier or more, overly complicated)than the real MCATs. Any suggestions?

There sure is - for $80 you can get online access to 4 or 5 retired MCAT tests, from now until after the August 2004 MCAT. Taking them online gives you a timer and scores them. You can also buy paper copies.

Yeah, I plan on getting those. There is actually one full MCAT tnat you can download for free too. For $80, it looks like a pretty good value…
Holy cats, there is a lot of MCAT prep stuff everywhere!!

YMMV, but I like the examkrackers audio osmosis CD’s and their complete MCAT study package.
I downloaded a 10-week scheule from SDN that is based on the EK classes, CD’s and books, and I’m following that. Today was a slack day.

I took a Kaplan course and then I bought the tests from AAMC. I found the AAMC ones to be very much like the MCAT I took. They are actual tests given a number of years ago, so they really are the best practice and best indicator of your potential score in my opinion.
My score on them was only 2 points away from my actual score.

Thank you for the input. I plan to output the 80 bucks!

The Kaplan center I used had the AAMC tests complete with explanations. I used those instead of the Kaplan questions because I thought they would be a better example of what I would actually see. So if you are taking Kaplan, they should have them. If not, they are well worth the investment.

For those using the Audio Osmosis (or having used it) how did you like it… I bought a copy and have been listening to them…so far they seem somewhat interesting…
There are a myriad of ways to receive MCAT prep exams… You might find someone that has already taken it and has bought the practice exams and will loan them to you or let you copy them (the paper ones)… Another option is to ask through your school… I am taking a prep class through one of the local universities here and they are giving us copies of old
MCATs for review… it’s piece-meal… but still we’re getting them…
And of course, most of the big prep companies (exam krackers and kaplan, and probably princeton although I can’t say for sure about them) do provide a practice MCAT with their books/materials.
Good luck!
I need to get cracking on that stuff just a little bit more myself.