Another Delurker

Hi all!

Really enjoyed the conference! Put the reality in place along with the incredible possibilities!

Just a little about myself-I am a personal trainer. I have been training for the last 4 years. I graduated undergrad in 2006 and have sporadically worked on completing my pre-med classes since then. My premed classes were all completed as of last month. All classes As and Bs except for Organic 1&2 and Physics 1 which are Cs.

Now I am just waiting to hear back from a postbac program at VCOM and another at Temple! At the conference I was able to talk to the representative for VCOM at the conference expo!

So I am crossing my fingers and praying! But if I don’t get in I will just be taking upper level science classes at the local university.

Anyways, thats all for now!

Happy to be here!

Welcome! Glad you were able to attend the conference, and able to make some connections there. Keep us posted on your progress!