Another girl in her 40s

I was quite relieved to tumble over this forum! There are others out there like me!

I have Ph.D. in neurosciences, enjoy research. Yet, I have come to a conclusion that practice medicine is what I want to do until I cannot work any more (closer to 80, I hope). Since I have a husband and three kids, I must not rush without taking them in consideration.

There are few details that are scary, and I was hoping that someone out there may have time to clarify these issues for me:

  1. Money during the first 4 years: how much (or little if any) in general is calculated in student aid to cover living costs?

  2. How long are school days (in hours) in general?

  3. How much study time is needed per day?

    Few other thoughts:

    To ease my family’s economic burden as soon as possible after finishing school, I would consider rural programs . I would appreciate insights into those possibilities as well.

    To Another guy in his late 40s: age itself does not stop me from doing what I wish, and like you, I will be a mature 50 year old when ready to start a new profession. It really is the time in between, the time of no money for the family that scares me the most.

Anyone out there with experience of going to med school AND raising a family at the same time? Or am I pursuing a dead dream?! The two things we parents have least is usually time and money - some thoughts, please?

Finn, I know of a several people who went through pre-med, med school, residency and/or are currently practicing docs. They did it. Not sure how you contact them.

You’re not thinking of pursuing a dead dream. Just be advised having a life outside of school which includes kids is definitely different than going to school when all you have to worry about is… books, school, books, eat, books…

I feel better right away! Thanks!!! Maybe no-one of OPM’s with family really have time to sit and discuss this Forum…but they are succeeding out there.

I can think of a few who have family but seems to me the kids were grown and out of the house before they started med school - ala Mary, Richard, Linda… there is a blog out there about Medical Moms… you might google that one - off the top of my head, I don’t know the site (try getting there from Dr. Smak…)

I found, definitely a more defined around question to and from moms in medicine. So, just wanted to thank you!

Awesome! I knew there were a few that must be one. Glad I could help.