I was looking at possibly taking a psychology course because of interest, and because I want to learn more about how to understand confidentiality and different personality types. Is it recommendable to take an “unnecessary” course (not required for major, minor, or graduation) to broaden my learning experience? It is expensive and time consuming but I want to learn. I’m curious about people, and in the past I’ve neglected and overlooked psychology as being too much of a soft science to be relevant–is it relevant to medicine? There are no other applicable courses for me (science or otherwise) in Maymeister. Probably will go during the later, longer summer sessions, too. Thanks again for other helpful, thoughtful comments that were made in this forum.
It’s not going to hurt you . Go ahead and take this class, especially if you’re going to enjoy it.
I’m taking some ‘unnecessary’ classes every semester. In the fall it’s going to be Theatre…for two reasons: one - to maintain full-time student status, and I don’t want to take 4 science classes, and two - it’s always something fun to do and learn