Any OPMers out there in the No-IL / No-IN / Se-WI / Chicago-land region?

If you are an OPMer & living in the vacinity of Chicago-land, OPM needs your assistance! We need volunteers to spread the word about our conference. We have one person on the ground who is willing coordinate the promo effort, but now we need bodies willing to print off & distribute fliers about our conference all over the Chicago-metro area.

Matter of fact, most years our primary source of attendees are folks within a short drive. So, if you are within a short drive & would be willing to print & plaster our promo fliers in & around your campus, drop me an e-mail.


Hello Dave,

I just joined and this website is a wealth of info. This is exactly what I was looking for. I wish I would of know about it a couple of years ago.

Anyway, I live in Chicago and I can help but only on the weekends because I work Out-of-State.



The best thing you can do for us will also massively benefit you - come to the conference! Sarah Beauchamp (slb) is coordinating a massive, local-level promo campaign & she might could use your manpower. Drop her a PM. Other than that, attend - you will love it!

my login is just slb. Please PM me if you would like to volunteer.
