I know I keep asking questions. Lots and lots of questions. Feel free to smack me at any time, and I promise I’ll hush soon being semesters are beginning again and we all need to study.
I forgot about Lebanon Valley College. It’s about the same distance from me as HACC. They have about 1-3 students matriculate into a med school a year they told me and I could pursue a second bachelors through them if I wanted instead of a post bacc program, but still, I think that may work if financial aid works out. I’d just need to seek out day care in the mean time.
I thought I’d shoot out a call to the pre med vets and see what you all thought of their program while I hunt for more options than just that Harrisburg U.
Hi Boobs:
Looks like we live in the same area! I’m in Middletown.
I started the HarrisburgU program over a year ago, but had to leave because of my job. I took Chem 1 and Chem 2. They were great and I really enjoyed it there…
After leaving the program, I considered going back to HACC to retake the prereqs, but found out that Penn State Brandywine was offering a post-bac program with the working person in mind. The program is pretty intense and is scheduled to last a year. I started last April and will be done (kind of…) in April '09.
I considered LVC years ago, however, decided against it because I worked during the day. I know of a couple of people who completed other degrees there, but that’s all I know about them.
Thanks! It’s a small world huh?
I did go ahead and register at LVC. I saw Brandywine’s program, but it would be an hour and a half commute (providing I don’t get stuck on the Schuylkill or some other weird refuse to move at all traffic mayhem). They seem pretty intense after talking to the director of the bio program. They also have a place I can look up internships to apply to if I wish.
Hey Boobs:
I can tell you the commute isn’t bad at all. I travel there every-other-weekend. The stress is trying to fit everything in after work, etc. Who did you speak with at Brandywine?
I actually didn’t after seeing the commute. I tossed it around a few days, but ultimately decided on LVC anyway. I’m an hour north of Harrisburg to begin with way up on 81 up there somewhere. Everything is out of my way and with being nestled between two mountains on any given snow storm we could be closed off in the valley with no way to get to any major routes. Add two more mountain passes to get to Brandywine and it was just too far without actually moving. I would have if it came to that, but I’d rather keep the kids in their school for stability as long as possible.
Makes sense! I put this off for about 10 years until my kids were done with high school, so I understand.