anyone in their 40-50 range?

Hi all,

I have been posting here and there on this site. Started my Chem-1 at a brick and mortar college last week and ironically love it already! I am even looking forward to Org Chem. (am I crazy or what, LOL!). BUT, having serious doubts re: what’s ahead… Mulling over whether it is worth for me going for MD/DO this late in life: starting pre-med at 50, expect to enroll in MS in 4-5 years.

I do have family: 2 teens one of whom will be in college and the other in last year of HS by the time I tentatively start MS. Husband is supportive and kids are great at being self sufficient…most of the time;) There is no other support from grandparents, au-pairs etc. It is just our small family… I should also add that I work full time as na NP, but job is not a killer.

Overall, I am looking at 12 years from now until I finish residency. Having gone through nursing training and working (I am an NP), I know well what it is like to work on the front lines of health care field as a new professional who is expected to perform. One thing to undertake this adventure when you are in your 20-30, another thing is when your are in your 40-50s. I anticipate significant amount of family disruption that my pre-med studies will bring and wondering to just what degree.

Has anyone on this forum who is in their 40-50 age range who also had families had gone through pre-med and Med School path? What was it like family and time wise?

Again, having serious doubts and loosing steam every day over whether it is worth it this late in life…

Any feedback from “really” (LOL!) old premeds here?

Many thanks in advance.

Not exactly personal experience, and not an MD/DO program, but my dad went to PA school in his 60s after selling his business. At his institution, the students from the PA program were mixed with first year MD students, so his experience was fairly similar to their first year (i.e. the whole trying to drink from a fire hose period of school).

He didn’t seem to struggle that much more with the experience than the other students. He did comment to me while he was going through school that he felt it took him longer to grasp some of the topics he wasn’t familiar with, so he was forced to compensate by putting in long study hours every day. Other than that, he didn’t have any issues academically, and actually graduated near the top of his class in terms of academic performance.

My mom on the other hand, really struggled with the disruption to her life. She is a creature of habit, and moving halfway across the country was difficult for her, and her dissatisfaction was definitely a disruptor for my dad’s studying. That was probably the biggest challenge for him that his traditional student peers did not have to deal with.

So I would definitely say it is possible as long as you and your family understand the adversity that you will face, and that you commit to facing it together.

Hi there,

I am 41 with a wife and kid, and hoping to apply next year. I am new to this forum and to this process, so I hesitate to give advice. I will, however, tell you about the conversion that final straw that put me on this path. I presently work as an auto technician at a Toyota dealership. I have a regular customer who is a retired anesthesiologist. Whenever he brings his car in he sits in the shop and we chat while I work. The conversation always leads back to malaria, medicine, research,etc… During one of these conversations I spoke of my desire to enter medical school, and he asked me why I don’t just do it. I told him that I didn’t believe that I could get in because of my age. He replied (imagine this coming from a 72 year old man with a Chinese accent that is so deep that you often have to strain to understand him) “You are so damn dumb for a smart guy. I retired when I was 69, you have plenty of time. You are going to get old anyway, so would you rather get old fixing cars or people?”

I would tell you to keep going. It isn’t about how long you are there, it is about the good you do when you get there. The process will be hard, but that is a good thing. It will FORCE you to evaluate how badly you want it. I would say just keep going and have fun.

Hope this helps a little, enjoy the ride!!!

I am, AND my goal is Scientist/Physician. :smiley:

Hi dmortensen and Jhoke2,

thank you for sharing stories. Family support is so important and even more credit to your Dad having faced the double challenge. He is a true hero!

And I love a paragraph with anesthesiologist and a quote “It will FORCE you to evaluate how badly you want it.” I am sure, I will be doing a lot of evaluation as time goes on. But, I also know how it feels to give up and that will provide much needed motivation.

Again, it is amazing to read your stories and I am in awe with depth of your insight.

I wish you all the luck in the world!

Thanks for sharing your stories (in the age range as well). I am finishing up my masters and planning to prepare for medicine shortly after. Currently, I work as an addiction counselor, and looking forward my options are either med school or clinical psych doctorate. I’m leaning more towards med school/DO (addiction medicine). Best regards to all of you.