Augmentin nausea

Hi all,
I figured I’d post this here to see if anyone has some advice to reduce the nausea I’m getting from Augmentin. I started this antibiotic 10 days ago and about 5 hours ago I got hit with nausea and… well… loose stool. I just went to the store and got some yogurt to hopefuly help but I’m looking for other help as well.
Thanks in advance!


Thats a toughie with Augmentin. Its really bad about causing diarrhea, but is a common side effect. For the nausea you might try making sure you have it with some food, unless your directions say otherwise. As for the loose stools, besides yogurt, there are also some acidophilus/lactobacillus tablets that you can buy to try and relieve the diarrhea that some docs actually recommend while taking Augmentin. Also, not to embarrass you, but loose stools while on Augmentin are notoriously acidic, so make sure your toilet hygiene is meticulous, as you don’t want to end up with an excoriated anal area. I hope these suggestions help, and that you feel better soon.


Try candied ginger for the nausea. Health food stores carry it. Can’t hurt, might help. And definitely go with the acidophilus. Hang in there, kiddo! This is the sucky part.

You know, I’m just wondering if this happens to be the flu. I have a fever, aches, chills, and general crappy feeling. I wouldn’t think that Auggie would do that would it?

Oh, btw, I got some Vernors last night as well. If you don’t know, Vernors is a ginger ale.

The flu is definitely going around. I’m home sick today with the not-so-friendly stomach version which reminds me of my college days of having near alcohol poisoning and living in my bathroom on Saturday mornings.
This reminds me why I want to get out of pediatric home-health care.

Call your doc.
I get that reaction from Erythromycin.


You know, I’m just wondering if this happens to be the flu. I have a fever, aches, chills, and general crappy feeling. I wouldn’t think that Auggie would do that would it?

Not usually. The crappy feeling, yes - the fever, aches, chills - no. I agree w/ Denise, it’s worth a call to your doc.


You know, I’m just wondering if this happens to be the flu. I have a fever, aches, chills, and general crappy feeling. I wouldn’t think that Auggie would do that would it?
Oh, btw, I got some Vernors last night as well. If you don’t know, Vernors is a ginger ale.

Hey there,
Do a Google search and find Blenheim Ginger Ale (#5) the stuff with real Jamaican ginger. This stuff comes in clear glass bottles from South Carolina and it is the best for settling your stomach (and making Moscow Mules too).
Auggie the froggy is not indicated for a viral illness like influenza. This is a very broad spectrum antibiotic and should be reserved for a major infection. Most URIs do not require Augmentin (erythromycin or amoxicillin will do nicely if you have a bacterial infection). If the diarrhea does not clear up and you are having high fevers and abdominal pain, get checked out for C. difficile. This can cause plenty of abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea. Auggie the froggie can wipe out your bowel flora and allow C. diff to overgrow and produce a toxin.

Well guys, I’m quite sure it was just a 24 hour bug or some food poisoning. I was fine by Thursday.
Thanks all for the concern.