I have fallen off my pre-med path and I am looking to get back.
I was pre-med in my undergrad from 2012-2015. In 2015 a combination of junior year engineering courses, a new MCAT, and some mental health issues becoming more severe lead to me deciding to leave the pre-med route. I finished my degree in Biomedical Engineering (3.45 overall GPA) and completed my masters with a thesis in the same degree December 2017 (3.54 overall GPA). I am currently studying to take the MCAT and trying to set up volunteer/shadowing opportunities locally. I also need to get a job in the meantime and I would like to find a clinical type job if possible, but I’m not sure what to look for. I currently live with my mother, but due to multiple car accidents in a short time she has a limited ability to work, so I need to. I cannot get a job in my field in my area, so I am looking for other options. Should I take a course to get a certification, like phlebotomy or EMT? To do this I would have to get a different job in the meantime to afford the course. I have taken all of the courses in the last 6 years, but should I take additional courses? I have shadowed and volunteered in hospitals throughout my undergrad, but am lacking in clinical experience and long term relationships for letters of rec, especially because my last two years of undergrad I did not have any “science” professors, only engineering professors. I may be missing part of my story, but I am really just looking for any support/advice as I get back on the road to med school.