Breathing deeply - starting med school soon

I am an early riser - way before my family wakes up. This morning I realized that I start med school in about 6 weeks. I decided to take the summer anatomy intensive at my school that may make the first term less stressful. Two years ago this month I was still teaching 5th grade!

I have had a lot of support and I am just plain grateful!!!

Feels weird huh? This time last year I was looking for a house because I was going to start medical school and here I am about to finish my 1st year.

Just FYI, the first semester will still be rough. Just sit back and relax now.

A completely trivial but perhaps accurate coincidence. The breathing deeply title apparently brought up google targeted word ad for scuba diving classes. Do you feel like you are under water and can’t breathe?


Enjoy the next 6 weeks, but even more important (at least I think it is), remember during the upcoming year just how much excitement you have now.

Good luck as you move forward!


Six weeks! Isn’t this a mixed mass of emotions?! I’ll finish finals on Monday and have given notice to my company that I’ll be leaving on July 1. There will be about 4 weeks before orientation begins. For me, that’s probably more than enough time as I am already so nervous, excited, and scared-- can’t imagine how it will feel when i have time to stop and think without distraction about going to medical school. I may spontaneously combust. Have a wonderful break!

Yes, it is a stressful when you finally come to terms with the fact that you will be starting medical school. The first question that usually comes to mind is, “Can I put the money where my mouth has been?” With each jump up the food chain, the transition is progressively more intimidating…or at least, it should be! Just think, as you transition from civilian to medical student, I will be transitioning from fellow to staff…that will make your sphincter factor hit 12 on a 10-pt scale!

Congratulations - you’re about to have the time of your life…Right now, just relax, enjoy the family, walk the dog, TAKE CARE OF THE HONEY-DO list (you won’t have time later), and stockpile sleep…

Don’t buy books until you talk to upperclassmen and take their advice w/a grain of salt.

All in all, it has it’s up and downs but mostly ups…

OldManDave – I’m hitting my first sphincter check realizing that I’m responsible for being able to do all the things I was taught in our clinical medicine courses during the first two years by 7 July. Holy crap! You mean I really need to understand acid/base/electrolyte disturbances (I’m good with that by the way)…this is gonna be fun— in a twisted, distorted kinda way.

Thanks you guys -

now back to planning a short beach trip for sometime in May