Celebrations III

Congrats Stacy!! may the federal money gods smile upon you biggrin.gif
i have a lil somethin to celebrate too. i had started my M.S. in Chemical Engineering in 1998 and stopped 3/4 of the way through (incl some thesis work) for various reasons in 1999. I moved out of state in 2001 to CA and ever since had been haunted by not finishing it (the $200/month I pay in student loan payments helped with the haunting). I forget where on the site, but I read that med schools don’t like to see that you are willing to walk away from a grad program without completing it. So today I contacted my prof that I worked under. After two e-mails back and forth, I am meeting with him and he is going to process the paperwork to give me an M.Eng instead of M.S. since I have already done enough for it!!! I am going to get a masters degree!!! I may have to do a write-up but so what??!!! I am so happy. It gives me closure and takes just a little more sketch out of my not-yet-formed med school application biggrin.gif
Have a great day everybody and thanks for restarting this Theresa!

After years of debate, I finally submitted my application for Columbia's Postbacc Program! Weeee! Though still not 100% sure, it feels nice to at least be doing something!

This is the best Thanksgiving ever! I’m celebrating my accpetance to Baylor medical school today!!! After sweating almost every step of the way in this process, I cannot believe what a joy and relief it is to have this letter in my hand.
It’s been a long road. 8 years and several starts and stops, my twin boys, some relocations, and yet, here I am!
My thanks to everyone on this board who has encouraged and advised me in the last 1 1/2 years!

Hi Theresa!
That is great news! I am sure that having Pam as a “big sib” for next year is going to be great. You have worked hard so take some time to enjoy yourself. Read all of those “trashy” novels that you have been hiding since you started the pre-med stuff. Take some time and get into good physical condition; play with the boys. In short, enjoy yourself because your time is not going to be your own for awhile.
Again, congratulations! Don’t try to do anything other than make your life as simple as possible. No more studying until after you have heard your first lecture in medical school!

I am so happy to hear you got in!!! I knew it would happen for you. What a terrific way to celebrate the holiday. Today is my 38th birthday and I feel more excited for you. You and others that have received acceptances are the reason I will continue this journey and refuse to give up. Thank you for being an inspiration.

Happy happy birthday Savannah!! I will be 38 myself in a month or so… Hope you had a great one.
Congrats Theresa! It must be a fantastic feeling to hit the holidays with an acceptance letter in hand… Enjoy.

Happy Birthday Savannah & CONGRATULATIONS TheresaW!!!

Yahoooo!!! Congratulations. Is Baylor your top choice? It is a great place. Enjoy

I’m VERY excited about the “A” average in my General pathology class after missing 3 weeks of lecture. Now I’m in good shape to get an “A” in ths class which I’ll need since Ivy League schools are now a permanent addition to my list of schools to apply to next year.

I am officially 13 days from graduation from UTDallas!! The cap and gown are bought, and the announcements have been mailed! WOOHOO!

Congratulations, Kathy!!! That must feel mighty fine!

Ok - Very small celebration for me lol. I was 1 of 9 in my orgo class who got the full points for an extra credit assignment comparing steric energies of various molecules using chem3D with the info our text gave us :-). This brings me back up over the cutoff mark for moving on (temporarily anyway…still have a quiz and final to survive hehe). I should also get my first A’s in science classes at this school - in orgo lab, physics lab, and I think in physics lecture. I should get B/B+ in research methods for biologists and cell bio :-).
–Jessica, UCCS

Good for you!! Orgo is a tough one!
Richardson, TX

Here is a little celebration from me… I got the top grade in my EMT class on the third exam… also on the 1st exam and 2nd! I don’t get to celebrate much in class… it has been a long time since I thought someone might punch me for getting a good grade! Liz

Congratulations Liz!!!

Don’t know if this counts here… but I finished all my Christmas shopping and have everything wrapped as of today.

Oh, and last night I taught myself all the major bones in the body from my new Rohen textbook. Can’t help wanting to do something to get prepared for being an MSI next fall.

Amy, you are TOO good! I’m envious!

Congrats to those of you who did well on tests and have their holiday shopping done! I’m doing well on that front too. I got an 88 on my last math test–my highest grade yet–so there may be hope for me after all. I’m also done with Christmas shopping too although I still have to wrap stuff.

Even better, I am now officially FINISHED with finals (Biochem was the last, I drew glycolysis, TCA cycle, and electron transport chain, with relevent enzymes, coenzmes, inhibiting factors, etc, from memory! ) As Alice Cooper said, “School’s out for summer, school’s out FOREVER!” Excuse me while I take a 3 day nap and wake me for graduation please.

Ok, today’s news is so great I can’t help but broadcast it! I’ve been taking p-chem and physics 2 this semester at the Univ. of MN. This morning I went to my last p-chem class, got my 3rd midterm back and found out I’d gotten a perfect score! Yay. Then our prof announced that almost all the questions on the final will come straight from our previous exams. Now you can’t beat that. Then it was on to my last physics class where our prof informed us he was changing the grading–instead of dropping our worst whole exam, he’d drop the worst take-home question, the worst group question, the worst in-class section…basically assuring me a decent grade as long as I don’t tank on the final. Then I realized that today is my last-ever day of required pre-med classes. I’m taking biochem next term at a different school, but I’m done with all the basics! I’ve learned a ton this semester too. (Though I have to say I’m not sure how long all the stuff about circuits and capacitors is going to stay with me…)
The best thing of all: my worries about parking every morning at the U are over forever. Goodbye Minneapolis parking police and your ferocious ticketing!
Sorry to be longwinded, but it’s a great day!