Committee Letters

I finished my BA at Thomas Edison State College. I am taking pre-reqs at a community college. Neither has a committee to write me a letter for my application. I don’t know what weight a letter from a community college science instructor will carry. Any suggestions on how to pursue this requirement? (Not applying til next year. Planning ahead.)


The secondary applications state that if there is no committee letter, you can supply 3 letters from science professors and state why you could not get a committee letter.

Most med schools stipulate two letters from science professors who have taught you and a third letter, often from a non-science professor who has taught you. Sometimes schools are okay with three science letters. And if a school usually provides a committee letter (many schools do not, especially on the west coast), you will be asked to explain why you don’t have one.



Yes, I realize I will be able to provide letters from science instructors. Unfortunately, I am taking my sciences and community college. I am not thrilled about using those letters. Something for me to think about I guess.